Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen| Some Good Senses

Upon meeting Kyojuro Rengoku after some time, it seemed too good to be true, yet your acting up over the scent of blood more than you were previously.
Everyone seemed surprise over your sudden appearance and Sanemi seemed pleased to end you himself. Ubuyashiki on the other plan had taken the time to instead aid you.

The sun was bright, it limited where you wanted to go. The Hashira's knew this as well for they can easily enter and exit shadows with no problem. Sanemi definitely would especially with seeing who it was now. He definitely gave Rengoku lip for it.

"Tch! No one why you weren't clear! As much of a bad liar you are! Haha! I knew it. I should've not let you slip with how many times you stuttered in one sentence."

"(Y/n).." Rengoku said before you and the rest of the Hashira. The second time you all would be together in one area.

"Seems Tomioka and Rengoku are still learning. Pity." After drawing his own blood from cutting himself, he'd turn to your attention. Nezuko had passed but this was the pizzazz.

"Forgive me, Oyakata-sama.I'll handle them." He would ready his sword and Tanjiro yelled before he moved. He was aware that Sanemi was fast so it was timed perfect.

"Wait!" It halted him and angered Sanemi throwing off his game. He then continued to come closer to you.

"Defending another demon!? Do you forget what we do here?!?" He shouted, his blade had hungered as much as he did. This made Rengoku stand. Tanjiro sensed something with his nose. When tracing back to you. You have had your fair share of blood but you expressed a good heart that's enough for his trust. Tanjiro had learned a lot from killing his fair share of demons. Something about it smelt slightly human and it was confusing to pin point it but when you came out of the shadows to be more seen it was almost better.

"She's... She's with child!" He announced sounding confident. It put a pause between people.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki had then spoke up.
"Impressive senses, Kamado Tanjiro. I couldn't quiet put my finger on it but (y/n) is having hormonal moments." A second opinion helped Ubuyashiki finalize a decision. Since he was blind, he counted on his children or someone to inform him about something he couldn't see.

Rengoku was stunned, he had his resting face which was a smile; it held for so long till eyes started to look at him. His sweat started to build up from the truth piecing together for most of them.

Sanemi scoffed, disappointed. It was true, there was a scent that was very human about you and he was angry over the fact because he was down to cut a demons head off at the moment. "You're telling me the thing is having a child?" He asked. The Hashiras began to bicker again amongst themselves. "FOR THE RENGOKU CLAN?!?"

One with big muscles spoke in small laugher. "Banging a demon? I'm quite speechless. It might have your flamboyant hair."

Another with tears being brought to his eyes. He looked blind.. "Children bring beauty to the world."

"Oh, was that why you were asking me those questions?" A woman with a soothing voice spoke. She spoke to Rengoku. Her tone was familiar. "This is rather concerning."

It wasn't showing but Tanjiro's sense of smell was able to figure it out. Morally it was wrong to hurt a woman with child. It's inhumane. Though, you still were a demon, which required  investigation. Tanjiro had asked Nezuko to give restraint, the two of you fought in the shadows. At first, you'd kicked her back but she'd come back and start pushing your attacks back then putting you down onto your back. You growled and kicked while Nezuko kept you down. Tanjiro frowned upon the situation because it was another sad scenario. "Oyakata-sama, please if you may give (y/n) a chance as well." He would come to his knees and lower his head. Something Rengoku had come to Tanjiro's side to do as well.

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