Spinoff- Pirate! Rengoku

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"HAHAHA! We sail to see new land! We shall seek to the great unknown!" The flaming haired hashira spoke but it wasn't his title there and then.

"Aye! Captain Rengoku!" His crew wailed as he spoke before everyone. You looked to see his younger brother Senjuro the day you remember him. Being so little and kind hearted, he barely knew how to speak a sentence even. He stood by his brother who was inspired by his older brother. The rest of the crew were random people. You stood beside them as well and from the looks of the team, you were the only female.

"Ah Geez...." Saying in your head before Rengoku presented you,

"Here is! A good friend! Her name is (y/f/n) but you will address her as a superior as well! Treat her with respect! We will all have adventures together and win the cash prize!" He cheered which was encouraging enough to have the crew all yell again. They began a chant that you caught onto and yelled as well.

Beside the big ships were other big ships. You took into account that they were other Hashiras... well, captains. The others were just silhouettes of those you haven't seen but Sanemi stood out.

"You think you're winning?!? HAH! MY CREW WILL DESTROY YOU! YOU'RE BETTER OFF SINKING!" He exclaimed and his crew were all laughing and making g rude gestures.

Rengoku laughed and retaliated. Soon then, a gun fired and the raised anchor to set sail. You didn't know the objective but it's a race. Everyone had set sail and separated to where it was just ships exploring the seas. Half of the crew went under, while there were those who stayed up top. Rengoku rolled a map open and explained a game plan. It wasn't audible tk you for some reason but you nodded in agreement. You wondered why you were not hearing the "important" parts but oh well.

"Everyone lights out. I'll handle up top. Come with me (y/n)." You followed and went with him up top. He put his hands on the wheel and moved the ship. "Set the sails, M'lady." He requested and you took hold of ropes. You didn't know how you knew where to go, but you did as he asked. "We'll be going west from here." He added, you shifted the roped for the sails to turn to where the wing would catch. The night sky was beautiful, and you'd come back Rengoku.

"Ah, the smell of ocean! The sight of the sky!" He spoke out loud but it was a way to build conversation. "Come! Work the wheel!" He asked and you walked up. You nodded instead of saying Yes. You've noticed you were more quiet than usual. It felt like you were just meeting. You came to the wheel and placed your hands on the handles where Rengoku's hands then shifted upon yours. He was behind you and was whispering how to move in your ear it seemed. This was probably the quietest he was.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed probably a final time before you yelled. You were flustered up and you noticed the setting had changed.


"Day dreaming? You've made that same face when I woke you up the last time. I asked what happened the time you been sleeping and here you are keeping it from me!? I'm starting to think you're a lewd sleeper!! Especially with you speaking out of it! Ha! Ha!" Rengoku previously was in this attire with no eyepatch. You realized what he was referring to.

"I... I... AHH! SHUT UP! YOU'RE ALWAYS SO LOUD! IT'S ONLY A DREAM THAT YOU'LL BE QUIETER!!" Frustrated you would have then stormed into the room Rengoku was previously in to change.

"Ha! Ha!" He kept laughing out loud which was annoying to you. Behind the door, you were blushing heavy. You peeled the door open and eyed him with your glowing eyes. He paused and looked at you with genuine concern. Your face was still red from embarrassment.

"Will you be staying for awhile....." you asked.

"I have two more weeks till I am back to work. My injuries were so severe that the first weeks were almost unbearable! I shouldn't even be laughing so hard!" As loud as he was, you heard a crack in bone. He flinched and bowed his head. "Even if I am not fully healed I am still capable of holding it down." He said and stood up. "I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I will still be stepping out though and you'll have to stay behind."

"Good." You'd admitted and Rengoku came to join you in the other room, closing it behind him.

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