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When Loki woke, it wasn't from a nightmare, but was from a knock at the door. Percy's head was on Loki's chest and shifted uncomfortably at the sound, but he didn't regain consciousness. Loki groaned in annoyance- the one night he didn't have a nightmare, someone went to their house at seven a.m to ruin their morning. He kissed Percy's head delicately, moving him gently away from him and putting the blanket over him. Loki got up, putting on one of Percy's rock band t-shirts- this one read Green Day-, before rubbing his eyes, yawning and going downstairs to open the door.

"You better have a good reason for calling this early, Rogers," Loki glared at Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and another man he didn't recognise.

"Are we at the wrong house?" The stranger asked in confusion.

"Presuming you're here for Percy, then, no, you're not at the wrong house," Loki deadpanned. "I'm Loki, his husband."

"Oh, I'm Scott, Scott Lang, Ant-Man," he shook Loki's hand, an idiotic smile on his face.

"Right. Odd, though. Percy has never mentioned you."

Scott Lang looked like he'd been punched in the gut.

"We're sorry for waking you, but we need to speak to Percy immediately," Steve said.

"Well, he's asleep, and he hasn't slept this well in I don't know how long, so you'll have to come back later," Loki smiled. "Nice seeing you three."

He went to close the door, but Natasha Romanoff caught it with her foot. "We'll talk to him now."

"Unless you want an earthquake, you won't be speaking to him," Loki shrugged. "He can't help but be in a horrible mood when he doesn't wake up by himself. We're going to collect Estelle from her friend's house and he's going to head to Stark's house at noon. He'll be up by then. Unless you want to be suffocated by a collapsed house?"

Steve sighed. "You do have a point. Fine, just because we don't want to be caught in a hurricane."

"Thank you, Rogers. I'll see you later," and, with that, Loki shut the door, walking back upstairs, taking off Percy's shirt and getting straight back into bed. They didn't have to be up until around eleven to collect Estelle, so he decided to make the most of it.

"Who was it?" Percy's voice asked. It was clear he was just awake, his voice raspy and tired.

"Ah, just Rogers, Romanoff and some other man named Scott Lang, they said they'd come back later so you didn't have to get up," he planted a kiss on Percy's forehead. "Did they wake you, love?"

"Nah, I had a nightmare, got scared because you weren't there, but then I heard you downstairs and I calmed down myself," Percy smiled.

"Oh, well done," Loki smiled, too, giving Percy another kiss. "So, do you want to get up now, or..?"

"We still have a few hours," Percy shifted closer to Loki, putting his head on his lover's chest. "Let's make the most of it."


"Unbelievable," Percy burst through the door, storming in. Loki had been reading on the couch in the living room, and looked up when his husband entered. "They're insane. All of them."

"Is everything okay, love?" He asked, marking his page and sitting up. Estelle was in the kitchen, doing homework, but it seemed she'd heard her brother slamming the door and decided to poke her head in to see if he was okay.

"No, it's not," he laughed humourlessly. "They really think..? No. It's impossible, they're all so stupid-"

Loki stood, taking Percy by the shoulders and stopping his pacing. "Tell me what's wrong."

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