Ch 10

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It was two days later when my mom allowed me out, the day I learned how to throw a kunai.

I was so tired that I passed out without eating. I was so tired I just went into my room and slept for 18 hours straight. That worried my parents so I got a day off. Good thing they are merciful because she taught me how to throw shuriken and that's what I'm doing right now.

I'm practicing how to throw shuriken and kunai. I must say after training with them for a few hours it has gotten easier. I've come a long way in a day from having only one target, 10 feet away from me. I now have 4 targets, two in front, two diagonal of me, and 20 feet away from me.

I'm kinda a prodigy.

I took a break and read one of the books I brought with me, it was about jutsu elements. I didn't need to guess what my nature affinity was.

Fire, it was fire.

The Uchiha's natural affinity was fire, which was perfect. I was looking through the book until I found an easy academy level jutsu. And what I found was fire style: one. It was the easiest of easy jutsu, well that's what the book said.

The book said that "Moulding their chakra through a simple seal of any choice, the user is able to focus it onto the tip of their index finger in the form of heat. With this, they can cut through things such as glass and rope with some difficulty. However, at this stage, control of one's chakra is so minimal that this technique can only be used by one finger and essentially has no combat use".

Sounds easy enough, I did the tiger sign and tried to put chakra at the tip. I started to feel heat but no fire. "At least there was heat" I noted, when I tried again I put a little more chakra in and a small fire formed.

"I did it" I was a little shocked but still did a little celebratory dance. For some reason I think I put around the right amount of chakra, I don't feel tired at all, 'does that mean I have good chakra control ha'.

I went back to my shuriken training when I got a good idea. The book talked about nature, affinities and easy jutsus, of course my parents didn't know about this. It was not like when they knew about me vandalising, no this way a trivial matter.

I looked through the fire section when I found it. Fire style: shuriken jutsu.

"No but seriously why in god's name does no one look up crap. They can save so much time". No really what the hell. "In case you're wondering, yes, you readers this is academy stuff" "no breaking the fourth wall" "sorry".

I looked through it and it didn't seem bad, but it could only be one projectile at a time. You basically blow fire on a kunai or shuriken. But one problem. How do I blow fire? Fireball jutsu gotta be at least genin level and this book is academy level.

"Whyyy" life hates me. 'Never mind that it's lunchtime and dad said to be home by then' so that's what I did, I went home, but I sulked the entire way.

When I got home my dad was there but my mom wasn't, "dad where's mom" I asked "sorry sweetie she had a last minute mission but she will be back tomorrow" he sulked 'he already misses her'.

"So what's for lunch dad?" "Squash soup" he let out a breath and smiled at me. "Yeah thank you daddy" I smiled while hugging him. We had a nice lunch as we talked about our day. When we were done I went to my room while dad went to our shop, he is a baker.


"Crap crap crap crap crap" my dad and I said walking in circles. We were at the hospital and got an anbu at our door at 11pm saying mom came back but was injured.

We were glad she was back because she didn't come home when she said she was going to. And then a day later she's at the hospital, when we hear we booked it here. Now two hours later we were waiting for the results of her condition.

The door opened when a doctor came out and we bombarded her with questions. After a while she'd had enough "STOP. She's sleeping", we became quiet immediately.

She told us to follow her into an office where she would tell us what happened. "Mr Uchiha your wife lost a lot of blood but she will be fine", I let out a sigh of relief while my dad cried.

"She will be fine but she must, under all circumstances, stay at home for 28 days. And then another 12 days before any missions. Ok".

"Yes we will make sure" I said, my dad couldn't respond because he was a slobbery mess. "Ok you can see her" she led us into her room and left us. My mom was a little pale but looked somewhat ok, she was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

She began to stir a little bit before she woke up, "mom" I said hugging her, my dad joined the hug soon after. "Haha ok ok I'm alright" she said.

"Ichika" my dad said crying, he kept on giving her puppy eyes. "I'm ok, but Ishi", "what" I looked at her "you get your wish. I'm gonna train you hard. Are you ready" She asked with a straight face. I took a deep breath and said "I am ready".

She smiled "that's my girl".

A/n Another chapter done. Yay! Hope everyone is doing well, just had exams last week and it was a pain. Hopefully I will pass. Bye Bye!


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