Ch 75

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"Let's just say you're right," a smirk came on my face. "Why so much malice? Why do you hate it so much?" Orochimaru didn't look pleased at my defiance. Not at all. 

"I don't kn-" 

"Yes you do." I cut him off. "I'm just an innocent little girl, not yet fully grown up. Yet I still get this reaction when you and I share a thought." 

Orochimaru scoffed, looking away, "you are not this innocent little girl you think you are." 

I smirked when he ignored the important part, "oh ya?~" Now it's my turn to be in control of this conversation. 

"I have an idea of the answer," I took a step closer, challenging his authority. "I have an idea, as to why you hate how I think," I raise my hand and mockingly jab my finger on Orochimaru's chest as a way to undermine him. 

"Because I could surpass you, I could leave you behind me as I found a world of knowledge you could never dream of grasping. If I'm too much like you, and if I'm like this when I'm young, imagine when I'm your age." 

I chuckled at my words, "actually, I don't think I'll have to wait that long." 

I saw his lips twitch in contempt, his body betraying his rage. "What's wrong?" I tilt my head in fake innocence, "no arms to choke me this time?~" 

I barely had any time to dodge the kick that was heading directly for my head. I didn't even really see it, I think my reflexes just kicked in on time. Orochimaru gave me a death glare, but he didn't try anything after that first kick. 

He's very emotional right now, he must not like being humbled by me. Poor him, I'm about to do it again. 

"You're so slow right now, and weak too. Remember Orochimaru, there may be a power struggle here, but that doesn't mean I don't have my limits. Don't ever compare me to you again, I could never be so pathetic." 

I go to leave but at the door I turn back to Orochimaru who was still standing in the way spot, almost shaking from anger. 

"Tomorrow is when Tsunade's time is up, let's see if you will get your wish."

~~~~~(- - )~~~~~~

I sip a Pina Colada on the beach of Hawaii with the sun shining down. I had a huge umbrella above me so I was in the shade. And then- 

I'm just joking, but I am sipping on Sake. Tsunade and Orochimaru must have met up already, maybe the fight has already finished. 

Who knows. 

I'm at the village where Tsunade says she'll be meeting me in a few hours. I am very nervous but I trust her. She's not the type to hurt anyone innocent. 

The one who's not innocent is Orochimaru, who probably doesn't have cheekbones anymore. Tsunade broke them all with her punches. 

I chuckled, relaxing into my chair. But I couldn't relax, there was too much going on. That talk with... God? 

Like it is a God, but it's so... weird. 

If I want to go home, I have to let Naruto run it's course without interfering. But I don't know if I could do it, I've been here so long and there are people I care about. Maybe that's what God's plan was, to make me have emotional attachment. 

People who play with others' lives are the worst, especially when they don't play with their own.

We'll see how things turn out, I don't have anything right now I want to change. 

Everything is fine. 

I sighed, "maybe I should be more like Tsunade. An alcoholic." I chuckled at the thought, leaving my room to go on a walk. 

Walking around was almost therapeutic. I was in a town I've never been to, the sun was out but it was still cool. A beautiful day, hopefully staying that way. Walking around a bit more, I finally went back to the place I was staying at. 

Just as I was about to enter the door I felt eyes on me. Two pairs of eyes. They felt familiar- 

"Hitori," I looked behind me and saw Tsunade. She's early, not that I mind. I'm happy to have some company. 

Tsunade walked up and smiled at me, "I'm here." I gave her a friendly nod, "was the trip peaceful?" 

She sighed, the memory of Orochimaru probably giving her a headache, "there was something, but it's resolved." 

I quietly snicked, "Good, I'm glad the problem was minimal." 

She turned around to probably find Shizune but instead I found out she was with Naruto and Jirya. 

Oh Damn!

A/n Sorry this chapter is short, but more will come. And more importantly~ This may shock a few of you but I have officially reached 100,000 words!! Enjoy~

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