Ch 56

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"Alright then, will now begin the preliminary round. This round will consist of one on one individual combat, at full battle intensity. This is not exercise. There are 20 of you remaining so that means there will be 10 matches. The surviving candidates of those 10 matches will advance onto the third exam. As for the rules, there are none. You will fight until one dies or concedes defeat. Or is rendered physically and completely incapable of finishing the contest. Naturally, those who are losing our urge to concede defeat properly to avoid a fatal outcome. Furthermore, as prompter, I'm giving a certainty of leeway to judge the matches. I may occasionally intervene if a match seems hopeless. To save as many lives as possible. Now it's time to reveal fate has been chosen for you." Hayate glanced at Anko who nodded back at him. 

"Open it." The Electric scoreboard panels on the side of the wall started opening. 

"The names of each pair of opponents are chosen completely at random. Before each match, these names will appear on the display behind me. As there's nothing more to say, let's begin." 

Finally, I was just about to go to sleep. 

"In a moment the names of the first two opponents will appear." In the silence that came, I could smell the anxiety. 

And then... 

Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado 

I rolled my eyes, nothing has changed even with my presence being here. No problem, I like it this way. I can't wait to see Kabuto's teammate get his shit rocked. 

"Now those whose names were drawn, come forward." That's what they did, slowly walking up front. There was a bit of disappointment in the room of genin, but excitement nonetheless. 

"The two participants in the first fight are Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado, are you ready?" To Hayate's question, both genin agree. 



I look at Orochimaru, the unmoving smirk still on his face. He was going to enjoy this. Two people he knows are going to fight. If knew he couldn't hack that scoreboard, I would have thought this happened on purpose. 

"Alright then, let's begin the first match," Hayate stopped to cough again. 

I swear, I will heal this man with my lifeforce just to get him to stop coughing.

"Will everyone, except the two participants, move to the upper level now," lovely, now I have to be beside the snake and his snakelets. 

I was the first to leave my spot, straight up jumping to the next level. I sat down with my back to the arena and finally relaxed. 

I'm joking, how could you relax in this situation. 

"This is going to be interesting," Orochimaru said, standing next to me. 

Why tf are you always close to me?? 

Team Dosu was on his other side, also watching what's about to happen. 

"Then if you're ready, let the match begin," Hayate started the match. 

"Oh I'm ready," Yoroi was his name I think? He is very cocky, glad he doesn't win. 


Spoiler alert! 

At this point, I completely ignore the fight. I know how it will play out and I know all their tricks. I glance down to see Yoroi stealing Sasuke's chakra. He also has a chakra absorption jutsu. 

I have it too, but I don't use it much. 

I was lying before when I told Orochimaru that my seal to steal his chakra was from the Uzumaki clan. It was, but I put my personal twist on it. I used a little of my chakra to make them more effective. 

Of course I was caught in the end. 

But I'm still alive so who cares. 

I look at Orochimaru, "are you sure this isn't your doing?" 

There is no way he didn't do something here, this is not a coincidence. If it was, this man has the best luck on earth. 

"No, this is just luck," damn it! 

Oh wait... 

We are in an anime. It was meant like this from the beginning. 

Now everything makes sense. 

The intense stare Orochimaru is giving Sasuke is almost disturbing, he wanted Sasuke to give him. 

'Wanted' him to give in. 

But it's not set in stone, he won't. 

For now. 

When Sasuke kicked Yoroi off him, I could see the little frown on his face. It put a smile on mine.

Actually, it made my day. 

"Hey! Sasuke! Come on man! What was that!? And you call yourself an Uchiha!!" I snort at Naruto's yelling. 

"You're gonna let this goon walk all over you! Come one! Stop messing and get it in gear!" I love this guy so much. 

I was quietly laughing to myself as I watched this. I smirked in pride when I saw Sasuke doing Lee's move. It was amazing to watch, and even more amazing to see the little twitch of disappointment on Orochimaru's face. 

But it didn't last long. 

He also started smirking in glee. 

Guess Sasuke is a dead man. 

"He is much better than I originally expected," I'm not sure if that was meant for me, or if he was just muttering. 

Then Sasuke's curse mark started to activate, making him feel incredible pain. 

Orochimaru had a look of someone who just won. The satisfaction of everything was short-lived, as Sasuke started to suppress the curse mark. 

The look quickly disappeared and his annoyed look came to light. 

I couldn't help but let out a few laughs before turning away from his sneer. I had to keep my laughter down or I would get hurt. 

But I couldn't help it, that displeased look was so good. 

I'm giving Sasuke all the tomatoes he wants after this. 

The air was getting lighter and Sasuke, with his last move, finally finished the fight. With his new move, Lions barrage. 

Hayate went up to Yoroi to check on him. 

"Like I have to check," I snorted. Ya, that guy is out like a light. 

Sasuke slowly stood up, showing he is the true victor. Orochimaru's breathing started to come out shaky. He was almost trembling with excitement. I rolled my eyes at him and just chose to ignore it. 

"I'm declaring this match over, as the winner of this preliminary round, Sasuke Uchiha advances to the finals."

A/n We are so close to 100k READS!!! OMG!!! Enjoy~

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