Ch 20

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I frowned at Naruto's apartment. This brat has no cleaning habits, if not any. While it is a decently sized apartment, who thinks a 5 year old is going to keep it nice and tidy. 

Not me, and I was right. 

I went in through an open window because the kid knows to at least lock the door. And it was just trash everywhere. Like this kid hasn't cleaned since he moved in. I groaned, I don't like cleaning. But it's for Naruto. 

I put everything in trash bags and threw it out. There was literally nothing valuable on the floor, it was straight up trash. 

I went to Naruto's room and found he was still sleeping. I look at the time and sigh, this kid should be getting up for the academy soon. I went to his kitchen and saw that there was expired milk and a bunch of instant ramen. 

So his unhealthy eating habits started young. 

I threw the milk away and went back out to buy some actual food. Coming back to his house, I found Naruto still sleeping. His blanket was on the floor and his pillows were everywhere. 

That's the only way to sleep, the right way. 

I opened the window and picked everything up off the floor. Naruto was still fast asleep so I did the only way I knew how to wake him up. I put Miso soup in front of him, and let him only smell it. 

And instantly he woke up. 

But when he saw me he jumped off his bed in fright. "Hey! Shishi?! What are you doing here?!" He yelled, I sighed "no yelling Naruto." He put his hands over his mouth "oh, sorry" he whispered with a goofy smile. 

I smiled and opened my arms, inviting him for a hug. He didn't even think twice as he jumped into my arms. "Shishi" he sighed, relaxing into my touch. I softly patted his back as he continued to hug me. 

But then he suddenly jumped up, like he just remembered something. "Um, Shishi?" he timidly asked, "could I ask you a favor?" I nodded with a smile, "yes you can Naruto." 

He smiled a little more, seeming more confident. "I'm having a teacher conference after school, and I want you to be my 'guardian' for it" I stared in shock before I smiled brightly. 

Naruto thinks of me as his guardian? That's so cute! 

"Yes, I will be there" I patted his head, Naruto smiled and hugged me again. But before I could hug back he took the miso soup and started eating it. 

Eating it? No, he inhaled it. 

That soup was gone within 2 minutes. I looked at Naruto confused, how can he do that? Naruto quickly got ready for school and waved goodbye to me as we left his house. 

I waved as well and went home. I need to prepare. This is a teacher conference with me as Naruto's 'guardian', this is important. 


I wait outside as all the kids greet their parents outside the academy. I get a few curious glances from everyone as I wait outside. No one knows who I am. 

Except, "Shishi!" I smiled as Naruto came running and hugged my leg, "I'm so glad you came! But why do you look like that?" I chuckled as I picked Naruto up. 

I smirked "I did the transformation technique and made myself appear 18 years old." Naruto nodded, "that's so cool!" 

Naruto hugged me again and as I patted his back, I heard the whispers. 

"Who is she?" 

"Does she know that it is the Nine Tailed fox?" 

"Is she mad?" 

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