Ch 59

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"I'm going to kill him one day," I sneered as Kabuto patched up my neck. 

"It's not wise to tell me this," Kabuto had been smiling like crazy the whole time I've been cursing out Orochmaru. I knew he found it amusing. 

"I don't care, I don't hide how I don't like him." Kabuto chuckled, "no you don't, it's the same with me." 

I rolled my eyes, "but you're below Orochimaru on my list, I hate that snake more." 

Kabuto snorted, "So what did you do this time? Is this going to be a recurring event?" 

I scoffed, "I hope not, who likes getting choked out?" 

I sighed, "He wanted me to stay by his side and yada yada I didn't want to." 

Kabuto nodded, "there will be a bruise, but it's not as bad as the last one." 

I scoffed again, "great." 

Kabuto stood and started walking, "let's go, Orochimaru is waiting for us." I frowned but followed, it's not like I have much of a choice. 

I need to see Kakashi soon. 

Orochimaru was outside, leaning against a pillar, watching the birds. Kabuto kneeled down, while I just stood beside him. Orochimaru smirked at that, but didn't say anything. 

"The preliminaries are done, they're moving onto the final rounds." Orochimaru crossed his arms, "while all these countries are racing to expand their military might, the birds are still singing. I believe this country of ours has been at peace for far far too long." 

Kabuto smirked, "Then let me do it." 

Orochimaru looked amused, "I don't know. How much fun would it be to take out an old man like the Hokage anyway." I quietly snorted, they both glanced at me but didn't comment. 

"So that's how it is," Orochimaru narrowed his eyes at Kabuto. 

"What's the problem? You're not still having second thoughts about it are you Orochimaru? From now on, each of the hidden villages will clash with each other. In a long and violent struggle. Even the sound village won't escape that violence. And it's your intention to be the trigger for all the hostility, by using Sasuke as a bullet, isn't that correct?" 

Orochimaru chuckled, "You guessed very well, so well that it's a bit creepy in fact." 

You're one to talk. 

"You give me too much credit, I still didn't know about your plans involving team Dosu. While gathering information on Sasuke, I wanted to learn the skills of those three sound ninja. So I clumsily confronted them and let them attack me. I learned a lot. It seems that you don't quite trust me, Orochimaru. At least not yet." 

Orochmaru's eyes darkened a little, "Was it necessary to tell you, my right hand man, about those three ninja? My silence is proof of my trust. I trusted you to act without that knowledge." 

Kabuto, I actually don't know what that expression is. 

"For that very reason, I'm planning to leave Sasuke in your capable hands. The curse mark that was given to him appears to be sealed by Kakashi. But in any event, that is not my concern. While there is still some darkness left in his heart, we must act. And that's why I want you to abduct him." 

Kabuto smirked, "It's so unusual for you to act hastily is it not?" 

"Perhaps, but there is still a little something that's troubling me." 

We all know the answer to this. 

"Is it Naruto Uzumaki?" Orochimaru smirked at how sharp Kabuto was, he glanced at me to see if I had the same answer. 

I did. 

"Sasuke is driven by revenge, he's burning to bring down his older brother Itachi for what he did to their family. He won't rest until he achieves that goal." 

He and Kabuto looked my way, as I too, was an Uchiha. 

"And yet, even when we thought against each other, even though he knew he couldn't prevail against me, he came at me without any fear of death. I didn't think he'd even be the type of person who would be in such a hurry to die a meaningless death." 

Kabuto smirked, "reminds me of someone." I gave him an unimpressed look as Orochimaru kept talking. 

"According to your information, contact with that nine tailed one altered Sasuke's heart and mind. So much so that Naruto now holds a certain influence over our Sasuke. The thing to do is to get Sasuke away from him immediately. Because then, it will be so easy to make him mine forever." 

Manipulative jerk. 

"Very well," Kabuto started walking away. But Orochimaru wasn't done. 

"Kabuto, wait." Kabuto stopped in his tracks, I could smell his nervousness from here. 

"If you want to stop me. I'm afraid your only choice is to kill Sasuke now." Kabuto gasped in surprise, while I stepped away a little. 

I'm not getting caught up in this. 

"You can't possibly hope to kill me, even if you had the courage it's worthless. You're no stronger than Kakashi." 

The soft breeze was the only thing that broke the silence, the dead silence between these two. 

But then Orochmaru breathed out a laugh, "I'm just kidding you, now you better run along now. Don't forget I'm trusting you Kabuto." 

From the look on Kabuto's face, I could completely tell what he was thinking. He was treading in deep water. 

He then jumped out of here, leaving me with Orochmaru. The dark look on his face was enough for me to not make a sound. 


I clenched my teeth at him saying my name. 


I couldn't see him, as I was behind the pillar he was leaning on. 

"What would you say our relationship is?" 

Odd question, and one I completely hate. 

"We are partners of convenience." 

More like we are both using each other. 

Orochimaru chuckled, "you think so?" He walked from where he was and stood in front of me, "I think there's more to it than that." 

He raised his hand and gently touched my bandaged neck, "does it hurt?" 

I frowned, "what do you think?" 

He smirked and pulled his hand back, "do you think Kabuto would go through with killing Sasuke?" 

He was definitely asking if I would do anything to stop him. 

"He won't, these people aren't that stupid." These people are Kakashi. 

Orochimaru chuckled and brought both of us to the side of a building where we could see Sasuke's room. And there was Kabuto, with a knife over his neck. 

"Kabuto, most interesting. Perhaps Kabuto is really going to kill Sasuke after all. Maybe you're wrong?" 

I scoffed, "funny." 

Kakashi showed up, and had a standoff with Kabuto. There were many times where Kakashi thought he had cornered him, but Kabuto had the last laugh as he escaped. 

"See, not that stupid."

A/n More chapters!! Ishi will have many interesting talks from this point on! Enjoy~

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