Ch 53

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The forest. 

Every step further into its shadowy depths, the tension grew. Everyone knew that whoever ventured too far was making a mistake, but they wouldn't be deterred. 

To enter that cursed forest was to tempt fate itself. And it was a risk everyone was willing to take. So vast with life, with death, a place of hate. 

The survival of the fittest, and the struggle for fate. The monsters within, you cannot tame, for this place is a beast, and you are its game. 

But the monsters aren't the real threat. 

It's the people. 

I've been betrayed before, it's nothing new. 

I've almost been killed by the person I... 

I had my parents killed right in front of me. 

I've had my beautiful life taken from me twice. 


No one deserves to find the home they slowly built destroyed. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was destroyed in one. 


Ha, I had many friends I left behind. 

I knew they would betray me, after all, Orochimaru gave them to me. But the fact they did it when I tried to sleep, that's what made me mad. 

Sleep is a place where you could just relax. You can rest and recharge. 

Sleep was used as a form of torture in Nigeru village. I suffered from that for months, almost a year. Now, when I am free, sleep is again taken from me. 

And in its placement, more stress. 

I sighed, the chunin exams aren't worth it. I carried my team to the place everyone was supposed to go to. I had been running for a few hours, nothing new. I was almost there, just a bit more. 

But then I sensed someone. 


I am not in the mood. 

I keep running through, not even bothering. But they sent a bunch of kunai my way. I dodged them. 

"Hey! Stop that! I am not in the mood to deal with you!" 

I glared directly at where they were hiding. The team jumped out and landed in front of me, "you don't have a choice, we will take your scrolls." 

I took off my mask, flashing my sharingan on full display. 

"I warned you."

Two of them immediately passed out from my genjutsu. The other one jumped back in fear, "another Uchiha!?" 

I dropped my ex team from my shoulders, they hit the ground. 

"You seem to have a death wish." 

I slowly walk to the small weak genin that dared to cross me. 

"You don't know who you're dealing with." 

I bend down to his level, "you want my scroll, huh?" 

I look him directly in the eye, "you think you have the power to take it?" 

He passed out from fear.


I picked up my ex team again and started walking. I silently glared in the direction another team was hiding. 

"Don't. Tell. anyone." 

I continue walking as I see team InoShikaCho staying still. 

I walk right up and see there are many doors. Seems like there are designated doors, I quickly find mine. "This is the door I'm supposed to go through, huh?" I rolled my eyes and walked through. 

"My dear, you look terrible," I glared up at him. 

"You need to have a better leash on your sound ninja's," I spat. 

He chuckled in amusement, "you already knew they'd turn on you, right?~" 

I frowned, "I knew they were vengeful, not that they would attack me." Orochimaru smiled, "I'm the same with you, they were more naughty than I thought." 

I sighed, "either way, I'm too tired to deal with this bullshit." 

\Orochimaru chuckled, pulling up my eye mask once more. 

"How long has your Sharingan been activated?" I frowned, "a few hours." He chuckled, softly touching my cheek. "How beautiful it is~" 

I raised a brow as he kept looking into my sharingan. Orochimaru smirked, "I would have chosen you for my body." 

I narrowed my eyes, "what made you change your mind?" 

Orochimaru chuckled, "I want a full blooded Uchiha. Plus, the last remaining one is Itachi's brother." 

I pulled my eye mask down, "did you look up my family? When?" 

Orochimaru leaned against the wall, "the first day we met." I scoffed, "when I was 3?" 

Orochimaru nodded, "you caught my eye at such a young age, I had to know who you were." 

I scoffed again, "just go meet kabuto, he's going to be here soon." Orochimaru then disappeared again in smoke, a permanent smirk on his face. I walked through and entered the room where I would find a shinobi. 

I opened the scrolls and... 

Asuma came out. 


"Oh? Your teammates have passed out?" I threw both my ex teammates on the ground in front of him. "They can't fight," I said simply. 

He looked shocked when I did that, "why did you-" 

"Cut to the chase." 

Asuma frowned, "the deal was, all your team members were supposed to be able to fight when you entered here. So I'm sorry to say, you can't go on." I shrugged, "sure." Asuma looked confused, "huh?" 

I was going to back out regardless.

"It's fine, I'll come back next time." I won't be coming back at all. 

Asuma nodded and I was let go. I smirked a little when I saw Orochimaru waiting for me, "it's time?" 

He nodded, "it is time." 

I transformed back into an 18 year old, but this time I made my hair it's normal colour, black. It's been so long since I've had black hair. 

The Preliminaries are starting. 

I stood beside Orochimaru as an instructor, I was the leader of Kabuto's team. Orochimaru also changed his appearance. This one actually looked good, I have no idea why he doesn't look like this when he could. 

"First of all, congratulations on finishing the second exam." Anko congratulated the genin who passed. Apparently 21 genin is a lot, so good on them. 

"I see your team didn't do too bad, Kakashi. They must have been pretty lucky. Of course with my team still around, your team is doomed to failure. After all, what matters on the next test is ability and we got you far out classed. I guess that part of growing up is learning to deal with heartbreak, huh Kakashi?" Might Guy gloated. 

"Hm? Did you say something?" That's the right response Kakashi. 

"All right, now pay attention. Lord Hokage is going to explain the 3rd exam to you. You better listen carefully, maggots." Anko directed all our attention to Hiruzen.


Ishi's stats
Ninjutsu: 3
Taijutsu: 3.5
Genjutsu: 2
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 2
Speed: 4.5
Stamina: 2.5
Seals: 4.5
Total: 27

Sorry, this was a little rushed. Also! MY MATH TEST IS MOVED TO WEDNESDAY! I've never been so happy!! Enjoy~

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