Chapter 5: Romano Who!?

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"And there she is" The principal says, relieved. I see her sitting in her office chair with a coffee mug at her side.

I thought she was the only one that would be present but noticed another person standing in the room in front of her desk.

"Did I do something wrong?" I hesitantly ask, trying to ignore the aura coming from the other person. The only thing I can tell by the unknown figure is that he is a man, he's very very tall and the aura coming off him is totally different from other people.

His back is against me as he's facing the principal making it hard to see how he looks but from the back he looks well built and like he could crush me single handedly. He turns around making me gulp. 'HE LOOKS LIKE A FREAKING MODEL!'.

He has brown hair like me and grey or bluish eyes. He's wearing a dark navy blue suit with a watch on his left wrist looking more expensive than everything I own together.

He smiles at me at first but then notices a bruise on my neck from the choking of my necklace. How can you go from looking so friendly to so intimidating?

He frowns at my bruise as his pretty eyes turn dark. I step back in fear with worry written all over my face as he looks slightly hurt by this. He covers it up quickly as he goes back to looking friendly again and I wonder if he's bipolar or not.

"I got a call from the police saying that a girl that goes to this school had run away and that i should be on the lookout if she would come back here" As i hear the principals words, i immediately look down in defeat.

"The police took your DNA and found out that the people you've been living with actually adopted you when you were only 2 years old" She continues as my eyes widen in shock.

I look at her like she's crazy as she stops for a second like she's giving me time to process. I look down at my feet again feeling my eyes water.

I think back on all the memories and wonder why my parents never told me, they lied all my life but I can't even be angry at them for it. They're gone now and I'll never know the reason. I feel a lone tear run down my cheek but wipe it away quickly with my hand for no one to see.

"The police didn't just find that out but also that you have brothers who are willing to take you in" And for the 100th time my eyes widened again.

'Older brothers? me? I can't believe this'.

"This here is your second oldest brother Domenic Romano". I look up at the tall man named Domenic and see him making his way towards me. He squats down to my level as he looks into my hazel eyes with nothing else but gentleness and love.

How did he have such an intimidating aura before but now he looks at me like he really cares? I mean, he still gives off scary vibes but why do I feel so safe in his presence?'

"Hi there little one, it's nice to finally meet you" He says as I feel too shocked to even nod in response. His voice is deep but I guess it suits him. He chuckles from my reaction as he slowly opens his arms.

"How about giving your big brother a hug?" He asks, looking into my eyes. My body moves on it's own as I carefully walk up to him, giving him a hug. The smell of his perfume hits my nose as I breathe it in and feel how the hug warms me up.

"Everythings gonna be alright now" He whispers in my ears as he hugs me like no one has done before. Never have I liked hugging strangers but this was different, it felt like i've known him before.

"Let's go home shall we?" He says, breaking the hug. I nod in response as we make our way out of the school.

"Thank you" I almost whisper as I walk beside him.

"For what?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "For taking custody of me, and giving me a hug" I answer as he chuckles.

"You're so sweet you know that. Not what i'm used to at home with the boys that's for sure" He says laughing. I stop in my tracks as I see a big black SUV parked in front of me. I gape at the sight as Domenic turns around looking at me confused.

"That car looks expensive" I exclaimed looking at it.

"Well it was but not for me it wasn't" He says laughing and i look at him dumbfounded.

"If this is how you react to the car, how will you react to the mansion?" He says as my jaw drops even more.

I wouldn't call myself poor or anything but I definitely grew up in a household where we were taught to be smart about money and only buying things we really needed and not things we just wanted.

"I'm gonna have a fun time spoiling you" He says more to himself as i'm too distracted towards the car. As he turns it on, the led lights on the side start to glow, making me let out an impressive "wow".

"So how many brothers do I have?" I ask, feeling myself dying to ask.

"5-" He starts but gets interrupted by my surprised reaction.

"5!?" I almost yell in surprise. 'I thought I had like 2 or maybe 3 at most but 5!?'.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me while i speak" He says a bit more serious and stern. 

"Yes you have 5 older brothers and as you know i'm your second oldest at 24 years old" He says as i sigh.

"So i'm the youngest" I say disappointed. I'm used to being an older sister to my little brother Samuel, always getting to sit in the front seat, telling him what to do, bossing him around, tricking him to get me stuff, and now I'm the youngest.

"Aw what's wrong? Is someone upset that they're going to be the baby of the family?" Domenic teases, making me pout.

"I'm not a baby" I mumble, making him chuckle.

"What are they like?" I ask hoping he'll say something like, nice and funny.

"Well... " He starts while scratching his head like he's thinking.

"Do you want me to be fully honest?" 'Oh crap that's not a good sign'.

"Yes" I say but feel like I just made a mistake saying that.

"They can be difficult most of the time, rude, ungrateful, spoiled and straight up annoying.." 'oh no...'

"The oldest out of us is Ezekiel who's 26 years old. He's probably the bossiest person you will ever meet and a hard man to please. He hates lies and doesn't give second chances.

So I advise you to listen to him and don't even try to lie because he is a master of seeing through them. Then there's me who you can judge for yourself but let me just warn you, I may seem nice and all that which I am compared to the others but you can't disobey me either and if you do I'm gonna have to punish you" He says making me gulp.

"Then there's the third oldest, Zane who's 22. Maybe you should just stay away from him in the beginning. He takes time to get to know and can be a real asshole sometimes.

He's easy to piss off so maybe just let him come to you instead of the other way around" Domenic says, sounding like he's talking about a vicious animal.

"Then the twins Malcolm and Isaiah who's 18. Don't mind them bringing girls over because they do that alot. Alao, they do like to tease people so just find me if they go too far and I'll handle them for you.

You can relax a bit more around Isaiah because he generally is a bit more gentle but Malcolm is pretty violent even if he tries not to. Malcolm is also a bit more like Zane so maybe be a bit more careful about what you say around him as well" He says looking like he covered most of it.

'I felt really nervous before but now I feel straight up terrified. How in the world i'm i gonna do this?

A/N: So what do you guys think about Domenic? 

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