Chapter 27:

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"Why didn't you say anything about the party you guys are having?" I ask with my arms crossed as I stand in front of Zane who's leaning against his car in the school parking lot, smoking a cigarette.

"Watch the tone" He says with warning, making me mumble a quiet apology while looking down.

"I didn't tell you because you're not invited" He says with a blank face, getting into the black car. 

"What do you mean? I live there too" I say back, earning another glare from him while getting into the car as well.

"I'm gonna drink and fuck girls, I don't have time to babysit you" He says as I feel a bit disgusted by his choice of words.

"You're not nice" I say, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Oh you have no idea little girl" He says with a smirk as I shake my head disapprovingly.

"You're staying in your room and if I see you during the party then you better run before I catch you" He threatens as I think back to what Alice told me earlier today about how much worse they actually are.

"W-what are you gonna do if you catch me?" I stutter as I now realize how uncertain I am of what my brothers are actually capable of doing.

"Punish you, what else?" He shrugs like it's obvious. 'Well that didn't answer my question like I wanted, what if he actually hurts me?'.

The rest of the day is spent with me planning about how to approach the situation with Alice's sister and how to 'save' her from my brothers but soon find myself falling asleep before actually solving the problem. I open my eyes, realizing that I slept until morning which means that the party will take place today.

"Don't worry, they're on a business trip and won't find out-" I hear Isaiah say as I walk downstairs and interrupt him. "AHA! You're not allowed to have this party are you?" I interrupt, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Oh look, the uninvited child is here" Malcolm mockingly says, looking unfazed about my new discovery about their party.

"If you don't invite me then i'll tell Domenic and Ezekiel" I threaten with my finger pointing at them.

"You will huh?" Isaiah asks with a smirk. "I sure will," I say, standing my ground.

"You'll do what?" I freeze from the unexpected voice of Zane, standing behind me and glaring down at my small figure.

"N-nothing!" I nervously say as the twins snicker behind me.

'Usually, i'm not this careful around them but just because Zane is the one in charge, i'll have to be more careful about what i do around them.' Zane smirks down at me as he puts his hands on my shoulders, bringing his head down to my ear.

"I must have misheard you talking about snitching then. Wouldn't want to have to punish you already" He threatens, sending shivers down my spine.

'What is he gonna do? kill me?' I wonder as I imagine the twins burying my dead body and telling our older brothers that I died from eating a toothpick.

"N-no, i'm not a snitch" I say, making him let go of my shoulders. 

"Good, then stay out of our way" He simply says with a blank face, leaving me standing there for a good minute or so. As the hours go by, I sit in my room feeling the anxiety building up about Alice and her sister.

'I don't want her to get hurt by my brothers, I need to go inform Alice about it and tell her that it's a horrible idea for her sister to stay and that she should leave the party. I should've just done it at school when she told me, i'm so stupid!'

I start making my way down the stairs as I hear loud music playing, making me realize that the party has already started. I see the place is already packed with crazy teens and young adults making it easy for my short frame to hide behind the people. I squeeze myself between the drunk people as I look around to analyze my surroundings.

Isaiahs loudly chatting with his friends with girls around him, looking to be listening and giggling at the things he's saying. Malcolm is taking shots with his friends who are surrounding him and cheering about how fast he's chugging down the alcohol. I can't seem to find Zane though no matter how hard I look.

"Belle!" I turn around to see Alice with a taller girl looking similar to her.

"Hi I'm Anna, Alice's big sister. It's so nice to finally meet you" She says with a sweet smile. 'I knew she would be nice, now I really need to warn her'.

"Nice to meet you Anna. Alice, I need to speak with you right now" I say, dragging my confused friend away.

"Listen Alice, it's great that your sister is in love and all but Zane is not a good guy" I warn as Alice looks to be thinking.

"I know Belle, but maybe he can change if he just meets the right person" She says as I want to facepalm myself.

"I heard him talking about your sister and leaving her after he has had a go at her" I loudly explain, trying to be heard over the music playing.

"Oh my god no, what'll we do?" She loudly asks, panicked. 'How is she so surprised though?'

"You'll distract your sister and I'll warn my brother not to mess with her" I say as she nods in understanding.

"Let's not tell Anna about what Zane said about her if it's possible to keep her 'safe' without her knowing. Otherwise, It'll just break her heart in vain" I continue as Alice agrees.

"Alright, good luck to you then" I say as we go our separate ways. 'Alice has become one of my best friends and I'm not letting anyone hurt her or her family'.

I look everywhere but can't seem to find my Zane anywhere. I try looking in their bedrooms but stop outside Ezekiel's office as I hear a voice. I slowly but carefully open the office door to take a peek as I see a girl pressed against the wall by Zane who's pinning her to it with her hands above her head. 'What the heck did I just walk into!?' I think as I try making out what they're saying.

"Daddy, I've been so bad-" 

"WHAT! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'RE HIS DAUGHTER! SO DOES THAT MEAN YOU'RE MY NIECE? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK AND WHY ARE YOU KISSING YOU FATHER LIKE THAT!?" I yell feeling blown away, interrupting the moaning girl- I mean my niece apparently.

"AHHHHH" My niece screams in a high pitched voice making me slam my hands over my ears.

"Calm down child it's just aunty Isabelle-" "WHAT THE FUCK!" Zane angrily yells, clenching his jaw and marching towards me.

"I told you to stay put in your room!" Zane says with narrowed eyes and deep frown making his worlds sound even scarier.

"I know but I need to warn you about-" I stop talking as he harshly grabs my arm and drags me away.

"Stop, let me go" I say while struggling in his grasp, he effortlessly throws me over his shoulder making it easier for him to walk. He walks into his bedroom and puts me down on his bed as he turns away to look for something in the bedside table.

"You're not to get out of this room until the party is over" He says with a stern voice as he brings out a pair of handcuffs and cuffs one of my wrists to the side of the bed.

"Hey!" I yell in surprise as he puts the other end of the cuff on the side of the bed making me unable to get away.

"Where are you going you can't just leave me like this" I say as he stands up to leave. He ignores me and proseds to leave as I try getting out of the hand cuffs.

"Who the hell has handcuffs beside their bed? That's so weird" I mumble to myself as I try breaking out of the cuffs.

'I need to get out of here before something bad happens..'

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