Chapter 14: Not What I Expected

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I look up, trying to predict what my brother's gonna do next as I prepare myself for the worst. Pain flashes in his eyes taking me by surprise. He takes a few steps back as he sits down on the couch in front of me.

He looks down at his hands and looks to be trying to calm himself down. I feel my jaw slightly drop in surprise at his actions. Minutes of silence go by as I still stand in front of him while he still sits on the couch looking down.

"You've got courage i tell you that" He starts, breaking the silence with a tone i've never heard him use before.

"You sure are lucky though. If anyone else beside my family had talked to me like that then they wouldn't be breathing right now" He continues as i wonder if he's serious about that statement. 'He wouldn't kill anyone for real right?'.

"But you don't see me as family, do you?" I quietly say with sadness. He finally looks up at me with broken eyes as he stands up and makes his way towards me again. He squats in front of me making us closer in height.

"I always knew you were," He says as my eyes widen in surprise.

"B-but why th-then? why d-did you say all those t-things?" I stutter with a broken voice as tears finally fill my saddened eyes.

"Because I don't want you in the world i'm living in" He says with pain, looking away. He looks to be struggling to look at my face while crying, making me wonder if he cares.

"It's complicated but when you really love someone, it comes to the point where you want the best for them even if you get hurt in the process" He says, noticeably uncomfortable as he mentions the word love.

"I don't care if you hate me. I just want you to have a normal and safe life" He says truthfully as i wonder if this infront of me really is the brother from before.

'He thinks I'm really safer without my family? well maybe it's time to show him what happened to me right before meeting them' I think as i remember the time of almost getting touched by that filthy man Dougal or getting beaten up right after my family died.

"You really think... I'm safer without you?" I ask with tears as he looks at my face, nodding in response.

I take a deep breath as I grip the lower part of my shirt. Zane looks confused as he raises one of his eyebrows in question. I pull my shirt up, revealing the bruises that Dougel and the killers of my family left.

The caring and nice Zane in front of him disappeared as the old one came back but much worse. His eyes darkened as he clenched his jaw.

He stands up within seconds as he comes closer to examine. He lightly presses down on my ribs as I flinch back with a groan. He looks hurt but more than anything, raging with burning anger.

"Who?" He asks with his dark and deep voice back. I try answering but the new ahoura coming off him makes it hard to form words.

"Isabelle. Who. Hurt. You" He says again as I put my shirt down.

"T-the guys who killed my family... and, the person i was supposed to temporarily stay with until the police would find any family member who would take care of me" I explain with fear, afraid of what he'll do.

"FUCK" He curses as he turns around, walking away and punching the wall. I flinch at the sound as his shoulders go up and down from the heavy breathing.

"Did they do anything else?" He asks, trying to control his anger but failing.

"Tell me!" He yells, looking at my shivering body. Immediate regret fills his eyes as he looks into my tearful eyes full of fear. 

He walks towards the couch as he signals for me to come forward. He sits down in front of me as he reaches out his hand for me to take.

"Listen, I'm sorry just please tell me everything" He says looking sorry. He still looks angry but at least he controls his voice now. I walk towards him as he takes my hand.

"Promise you won't yell" I say with a quiet voice. His eyes soften as he promises.

"When my family got killed, I was next but managed to escape after getting kicked and beaten by the two men. Then when I was at the police station, I was sent to temporarily live with a man named Dougal until the police could find a home for me" I start as Zane carefully listens.

"When I arrived at his house, I felt something was wrong by the way Dougal was talking and looking at me" I say as I feel Zane's hand slightly tighten around mine.

"He put his hand on my tight and looked like he wanted to do much more when walking in the house.

I knew what he wanted though and waited for him to unlock the car door for me to run away. When he unlocked the door I ran away as fast as possible but got caught as he started beating me on the street.

I managed to get away again as a car pulled up making him run away. Then I went to school to hide and later that day found out about you guys" I say almost whispering at this point, too afraid of his reaction.

I wait for him to say anything but look up after not hearing a response. He looks angry, even more than before but doesn't show it as much.

He pulls my hand forwards as I freeze from the unexpected action. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me protectively as I feel silent tears run down my face.

"I'm sorry" I say, feeling bad for making the strong and ruthless brother feel so hurt.

"Shh don't be. I should be the one apologizing for being such an idiot" He says as he strokes my back slowly with his hand.

"Yeah you sure where" I answer as he chuckles. "Hey, don't get carried away now i'm still me you know" He threatens playfully, breaking the hug.

"You said that it's dangerous for me to live in the same world as you. I don't quite understand that, but living in the world in general is always gonna be dangerous so why not stick together?" I say as he dries my tears with his thumb.

"I admit it, you were right. But now i'm never letting you go so try putting up with that instead" He says, making me laugh.

"Let's go home little sis" He says as I nod in response.

'What a day' I thought with a smile as I walked towards Zane's car.

A/N: Sorry for the slow update. I'm kind of sick right now but i'll try  to stick to my schedule

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