Chapter 12: This Is Impossible

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I have a bad feeling for today. Spending yesterday with Malcolm went better than I expected but today I'll have to spend the day with Zane. I don't know what'll happen.

Like, will I even be able to walk out of there alive? I put on some loose jeans and a grey hoodie before doing my skin care routine and then head downstairs for some breakfast. Surprisingly, no one's at the table yet even though it's 9 AM. 'Where is everyone'.

"Oh you're up" I turn around to see Isaiah looking half asleep.

"Excited for the day?" He asks with a smirk, already knowing how I must feel right now.

"Do I even need to say anything?" I ask with a sigh.

"I'm making some breakfast, want some?" He asks, walking past me.

"No thanks, I've already eaten" I lie. 'I'm not really a breakfast person and prefer skipping it' I think as i'm glad i was here first, giving me a chance to trick them into thinking i've already eaten.

"Good, because I'm a horrible cook," He says, getting some cereal.

"By the way, Zane's in his car waiting for you" He casually says. "WHAT!?" I almost yell.

"But that's too soon, I need time. Why didn't anyone tell me sooner so I could prepare" I say, panicking and running to grab my jacket.

I run towards the cars, trying to spot which one Zane's in. Then I see smoke coming out the window from one of the cars as I sigh, realizing he also smokes in the car like Malcolm.

"H-hi" I nervously greet, sitting in the back seat. I prefer sitting in the front but because of Zane, I'm choosing to sit in the back this time. He doesn't even say hi back but starts the car and drives, totally ignoring my presens.

"So where are we going?" I hesitantly ask, not knowing if I should speak or not.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I ask, realizing he's not gonna answer. I don't feel comfortable talking to him but right now I'm getting a bit frustrated with the silence. I decide to drop the topic and just see where I'll end up.

20 minutes fly by as he finally seems to have reached the destination. 'Boxing club?' I wonder as I look at the building in front of us with a boxing poster on it. I get out of the car, following Zane into the building.

"Zane? oh my gosh I'm so happy to see you" I short girl says as she jumps into my brother's arms with her hands around his neck. Zane doesn't react much and doesn't even hug her back as he looks like he's totally used to that kind of behavior.

"What are you doing here Hailey?" He asks as his eyes seem to be staring somewhere else on her body.

"It's Emily, and i just wanted to see my handsome boyfriend knock some idiots on their asses" She says, flirtatiously.

Emily looks to be his age but pretty short with blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She wears a tiny skirt that barely covers anything and her shirt isn't really holding her chest together very well. 'Poor girl must've had a ruff life if she isn't even able to afford new clothes' I think with pity.

"Hey you there" She calls with an annoyed tone as I look up to see she's talking to me.

"Why are you just standing there, what do you want with my boyfriend huh?" She rudely says as I change my opinion on her from pity to dislike.

"That's my brother and I don't like your attitude" I say with sass. 'I may be shy around people at first but when people irritate me, I really do change a bit. Almost like I have two personalities or something. Surprisingly, I hear Zane snort, making me look at him with a raised eyebrow.

'Did I just make him laugh?' I think as I feel a bit of accomplishment and reinforcement from my older brother. The girl looks pissed. Was it because of my attitude or that my brother laughed at her?. She starts walking towards me with anger as she stops when Zane grabs her by the arm. His amusement seems to have disappeared as he gives her a hell of a scary look. 'What in the world was that?'.

"Hailey, go to the locker room and wait for me there. And you-" He says, looking directly at me for the first time today.

"Come with me" He says while walking towards another room. 'And why did he call his girlfriend Hailey again? I thought it was Emily' I think, confused. 

"You'll stay here until i finish my training" He says with a stern voice.

"No! you can't just tell me to stay here while you go and do your own thing" I say, tired of the repitded history.

'First it was Malcolm and now Zane'. I regret talking back to him as his eyes darken a shade, making me flinch. Zane pushes me back so that I fall onto the couch behind me. 

"You will stay here and only come out when I get you myself. Is that understood?" He says in a threatening manner. I want to scream at him out of anger and frustration but don't feel like I have enough courage.

"Is that understood?" He repeats even colder than before. I turn around and bury my face into the couch, lying down on my stomach. 'If I can't protest against him then the best I can do is ignore answering at all.

That always worked for me in the past anyways'. I hear him sigh as realief comes over me, believing he's gonna leave me alone any second now. Well I was wrong. I feel his hand harshly grab my shoulder, turning me around on my back so that I face him.

"Listen brat, when I talk to you, you resbond and nothing else. You don't ignore nor go against me, is that understood?" He repeats again with the same tone but with cold eyes glaring into my frightened once.

'He's really stubborn and persistent, not gonna be fun handling that'. He slightly tightens his grip on my shoulder as I don't answer right away.

"Y-yes" I quietly say, as I visibly gulp. He let's go to leave as I stayed in the same spot for a while, trying to calm my racing heart.

'If only he wasn't so damn intimidating I would have snapped at him long ago' I think as I get up from the couch. I carefully look out the door to see my brother nowhere to be found.

'Maybe he's with that rude girl from before, wonder what they're up to'. I wait for 1 and a half hour before my stomach starts seriously growling.

'Maybe i shouldn't have skipped breakfast after all'. I think as I look around for food. I open the door to the room again to find my brother sparring with another buff guy, or actually kicking the guy's ass. I stare at the guy getting beat up by my brother as I imagine it being me.

'There's no way that he would never do that to me, right?' I think as I decide to step out of the room for now when he's distracted.

"Are you lost little girl?" I turn around to find a shirtless guy standing behind me with sweat covering his body and a towel around his neck.

"No, and do you guys have any food around here?" He chuckles at my response as I wonder what the funny thing about wanting to eat food is.

"No but there's a bakery nearby, it's only a 5 minute walk and they have super tasty stuff there" My mouth waters as he mentions the word bekary as I thank him while making my way out of the club.

'It'll only take a minute and no one will realize I'm gone' My naive hungry brain thinks as I quickly walk towards the directions the man said to go.

'How stupid i was..' 

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