Chapter 6: Arrival

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"Why are we in an airport?" I ask, as he parked the car.

"We're flying to New York that's why" He says like it's a normal thing.

"WHAT!?" I yell in surprise. "Don't yell" He says with a stern voice making me shut up and mumble a quiet 'sorry'. As we step into the airport my brother keeps getting looks from people (mostly girls). I look around, getting distracted by the smell of food as I feel my stomach growl.

I turn back to my brother, grabbing his hand making him yank it back in surprise. I look up to see an unknown man staring down at me. "What the hell kid, what's your problem!?" The man asks angrily, getting closer to my face.

"Are you blind or something-"

"Is there a problem here?" A deep voice asks with a threatening manner. I look up to see my brother placing his hand on the other guy's shoulder and staring into his eyes with his cold ones. 

"N-no this kid just-" The man starts saying nervously but gets interrupted.

"I think you better get going, don't want to miss your flight now don't you" My brother whispers, making the other guy back away. Domenic looks down at me with a relieved sigh as I look up at his tall figure.

"Sorry, but it's hard to keep you in sight when you're so tall" I say truthfully.

"Well you're not any easier, I literally look away one second and you're gone" He says back. 

"You're not hurt, are you? did that man touch you in any way?"

"No no i'm fine, promise" I say quickly making him soften his gaze. It gets quiet and my stomach just has to begin to growl again in the worst possible moment, making me blush out of embarrassment.

"Hungry eh, why didn't you tell me? we could've stopped to eat something" He says with a chuckle.

"C'mon you don't need to feel embarrassed" He says, taking my hand and dragging me away. 

"We don't have to, really. I can wait until you get hungry and then we can eat" I say, feeling like I'm slowing him down from coming home.

"Nonsense I'm not letting you go another minute hungry. Also, just for your information. We boys are always hungry so if you want to save some snacks at home I highly recommend you hide them. Especially from Isaiah because he loves taking other people's snacks, but they will all take it if you give them the chance" Domenic warns.

'I'm really not a violent person but if someone takes my snacks i'm gonna have to throw some hands'.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Domenic asks, looking around.

"Mc donalds?" I say, more like a question. "Sure, but don't tell the others" He says with a smile. 

"What can I get for you today?" a short blonde girl asks, only looking at my brother. She looks to be 19 or so and seems to be having a hard time looking away from my brother.

"What would you like to eat?" He asks, looking at me and totally ignoring the girl.

"6 piece chicken nuggets and fries" I say to him as he looks like he's still waiting for more.

"That's it" I say.

"That's it?" He asks, surprised. I nod in response as he looks like he wants to protest but doesn't say anything.

"I'll just get a glass of water" He says with a bored tone to the girl without even looking at her. 

"Didn't you say you're always hungry?" I ask, a bit disappointed.

"I know but i don't eat fast food" He says, looking a bit sorry. After eating, we then continue our way to the airplane. Although it wasn't any ordinary airplane but a private jet.

"Wow look at that, wonder who it belongs to. Probably a celebrity or something" I say to no one in particular.

"Yep that's our ride" He says casually walking that way.

"Damn-" I say but stop as I see Domenic's eyes narrow on me.

"Don't say that" He warns seriously. 'I forget how scary he can be, I'm getting too comfortable around him'.

"Sorry it slipped out" I say as he nods in response. We make our way there and I notice guards standing outside waiting for my brother. I felt it was strange but just assumed it was because they were rich or something.

"You should sleep, it'll take a few hours before we reach New York" He says as he opens up his laptop and starts working. I respond with an 'okey' as I sit beside him on the plane even though there's tons of empty seats. I'm not used to sitting in airplanes and feel a bit nervous every time. 

"Is it your first time flying?" He asks, looking at me sitting on his left side.

"No but I don't do it often and it makes me a bit nervous," I say truthfully.

"It'll be okay, just tell me if you want to hold my hand" He says as I thank him. 30 minutes in the flight and I feel myself drifting off.

I wake up a bit for a second to feel that my head is laying on Domenic's shoulder but fall back to sleep again not too long after. I again opened my eyes a bit to see that i'm being carried away to a car.

'The flight must have ended without me realizing' I thought, as I looked up to see Domenic carrying me. He sets me in the front seat as I raise my head to look out the window. It's dark outside which means it's probably late at night. I shiver from the cold but feel a jacket being placed on me. After about 40 minutes of a drive I look out the window to see a big black fence surrounding a huge mansion.

"And we're home" Domenic says, sounding relieved but a bit tired from the trip.

"It's so big" I mumble under my breath as he chuckles at my reaction. We walk towards the big gates where guards stand on either side of the gate.

"Welcome back Mr. Romano" One of the guards says, making me look up at his stern face. My brother seems to be very respected but doesn't respond to the guards as he makes his way towards the door with me tailing behind him.

'Okey, their favorite color must be black because everything seems to be in that color' I think as I see the huge black mansion and the black gates. Even most of the cars are black. As we stand outside the big door I ask my final question before I step into my new life.

"Why was it only you who came to get me?" I ask as Domenic looks like he doesn't want to answer.

"We just didn't want to scare you away" He says as he opens the huge door. 'Wait, why would I get scared away if more of my brothers came?'

My question quickly got the answer as the first thing I hear while walking in is someone angrily yelling. 

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