Chapter 24: Relatives?

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"Heard you slept in a Domenics bed, sleep well?" He asks with a blank face as I stand staring at him, wondering what he wants this time.

"Sorry, but I need to get ready for school" I say, ignoring his question and asking him to leave in a polite and sneaky way while walking towards my closet.

"I told your teachers that you weren't feeling too good and are staying home today" He says, making me snap my head towards him. "Why?" I ask, a bit annoyed at his actions.

"Because we're going out today just you and me" He says as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I made you spend a day with the other three and realized that it would only be fair to do the same with myself" He says as i mentaly prepare for the day. "So... what do you have in mind then?" I nervously ask as I fidget with my hands.

"You'll see when we get there" He says emotionlessly as he stands up to leave the room. 'He's probably going to disown me or something' I think as I make myself ready for the day.

'I wonder if i should just ignore him, he hasn't apologized for being a jerk and giving me unrealistic rules yet so maybe he still thinks i'm the one at fault here?' I think as I walk downstairs to find my most intimidating brother. I see him standing in the kitchen drinking coffee as I walk towards him without saying a word.

He puts his cup down and starts making his way towards the garage as I quietly follow behind. We get into a big black SUV where I get into the front passenger seat. I wanted to get into the back seat but chose not to so that I could have a better view of where we were going.

The ride is just as awkward as I thought it would be as none of us say a word. 'This feels so suffocating, it's literally getting harder to breathe by the second and I'm kind of surprised we left without him forcing breakfast down my throat, maybe he's taking me to a restaurant or something?'.

"Looks like someone's still angry" He says, breaking the silence. I ignore answering, proving his point.

"Trying to ignore me now I see. How childish" He says with his eyes glued to the road as I mentaly roll my eyes.

"Too bad, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to know where we were going" 'Oh his good alright'.

"Just tell me" I say, giving in to his trap.

"Try again" He says in a stern voice, giving me a scary look that would make any grown man cower away.

"Where are we going?" I softly ask, hiding my anger this time.

"We're visiting a relative" He simply says as I wait for him to elaborate which he doesn't. Normally I would be jumping with joy thinking of having more relatives. In this case though, I mostly feel nervous about what kind of people they are, considering what I've had to deal with in this family so far.

After driving for about 20 more minutes, we arrive at a mansion that looks similar to ours but a bit smaller. Ezekiel gets out of the car as I hurry behind him, feeling uncomfortable in the new environment. He knocks at the door three times as I anxiously wait for the door to open.

"Oh my goodness" An old lady I assume to be in her mid 70's say with surprise. "Hello grandmother" Ezekiel says emotionlessly as my eyes widen in disbelief. 'GRANDMOTHER!?'.

"Why haven't you visited me, child? I was about to go grab you by the ear and drag you here myself" She scolds Ezekiel LIKE IT'S NOTHING!.

"I've been busy dealing with a 13 year old girl lately whom you haven't met yet" He says as I stand behind my brother, hiding.

"Oh dear I think i'm going blind, there's no child here" Grandma says as she seems to actually believe she's going blind. Ezekiel puts his hand on my back, pushing me out of hiding.

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