Chp 1

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Edit 9/11/23: In light of the new episode, do not clock me on how I created Fizz backstory! This was made before the new episode! I will be going through this story again to fix errors! 


"You know you won't ever make it in this business, right? You are way too meek! They will eat your pathetic ass up alive!"

"You wrote this? Ehhh, how do I say this without sounding like a total jackass. Mmmm, your song sucks. If you want to be a singer your best bet is singing covers at a shitty bar."

"(Y/N) for the last time I'm never taking you to any of my fucking shows! You're just going to embarrass the fuck out of me!"

"Well doll we had a good fucking run but I gotta roll with my own kind. I can't be seen with someone like you, I have a rep to uphold now."

Those were just a few hurtful words that polluted my mind for last couple of years. They feed into my insecurities and drove my self esteem right into the ground. I tried to move on and forget about the damn bastard, but I see his fucking face EVERYWHERE! From his sex toy commercials, hosting award shows on tv and to goddamn billboards! I can't get away from him! I can't fully heal from the bullshit he's put me through because every where I turn he is there! Fizza-fucking-rolli.

That bastard had a hold of my life for the last decade. And then some after he just threw me away like garbage! Because of him I am a single, bitter 29 years old working at a shitty bar in the wrath ring.

It's currently 2am and I'm still at work. Stocking shelves with the most disgusting drinks ever created. Surely if it's not top shelf it taste like sewage. Even so they seem to be flying off the shelves every night.


I groan softly to myself as the door bell screamed alerting me someone was in the store.

"Y/N!!" A voice yells obnoxiously. Fucking hell. I round about the bar spotting the demon responsible for my head aches for the last couple of nights.

"Hello Blitz, what do you want?" I asked as I leaned on the counter.

"Wha!? Can't I visit my childhood BFF without hidden agendas?" He asks as he plants his short ass on a bar stool. I grunted as I moved behind the bar pouring us some vodka in shot glasses.

"Blitz you wouldn't have known I worked here if you didn't get your dumbass kicked out from every bar in hell." I corrected as I slid him his glass. We haven't seen each other in five years and 4 nights ago he stumbles into my bar and now he doesn't seem like he has any interest on leaving me alone anytime soon. Blitz grabs his drink and he threw his head back downing it in one gulp before slamming the glass down.

"Well if it wasn't for me fucking around we wouldn't be reunited! (N/N) and Blitz are back in business bitches!" The imp proclaims as he stood on his stool. I rolled my eyes as I began to click through the channels on the shitty tv.

"Whatever." I muttered as I tried to find something interesting to watch. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset he's worming his way back into my life. It just hard to welcome him with open arms, especially with everything that went down with us. It wasn't the matter what Blitz did it's about what he didn't do. I was there for him through his bullshit and when I needed him he fucking disappears! 

The bar went quiet as the two of us sat in an awkward silence. The sound of the tv switching channels and light snoring from stragglers fills the space.

"Y/N, I know you don't want me to apologize-"

"Then don't." I sneered still fixated on the screen.

"Look I'm not to keen of apologizing for my fuck ups. But out of all the people I fucked over you deserve one.Ok, I should have been there for you!"

"But you weren't!" I barked back at him. I slam the remote as I stare him down. 

"I fucking KNOW that! You were my friend and I left you when you needed me!" Blitz shouted as he slammed his hands on the counter.

"I shouldn't have left you alone with that cheap ass clo-"


"Perfect time." Blitz mutters as he averts his eyes angrily to the screen. 

However I kept still, I felt my skin crawl hearing the familiar cackling of my ex shouting from the tv.

"Hello there all you horny bastards! We are having a BLOW OUT SALE! Purchase one robo fizz and get the second one 69% off! This sale won't las-"


I jumped forward startled as my tv exploded behind of me. I whip around to see Blitz with his smoking gun in hand looking irritated as ever.

"I swear between the two of you I can never get a fucking word out!" He complains.

"BLITZ!" I holler at him for fucking up my tv!

"Relax, I'll get you a new one. Not like new new, it won't be nice or anything. Maybe even worse honestly but it still a goddamn tv alright!" This guy.

"As I was saying, I should have been there for you ok. I know I'm late on this shit and I have no one to blame but myself for how fucking bad this ended. I knew you were struggling and I-I.... I'm fucking sorry." And there it was the infamous"I'm sorry". The words I never thought I ever hear. But what happen between the three of us wasn't as easy to patch up with "I'm sorry". For the duration of our friendship, I felt untouchable. It was always the three of us. It was such a rude awakening when I found myself alone. But I'd be wrong if I didn't say it felt great to hear it.

 With a sigh I rubbed the bridge of my nose trying ti find the right words. 

"Blitz...I appreciate it. But it's not gonna be easy ok? Look we both got burned, so that means if we really want this friendship to work out, we need to be work on it and be honest with one another."

"Of course." Blitz agreed immediately.

"And if you pull some stupid shit again, I will kill you." I threaten the imp who was completely unfazed by the statement.

"Yup sounds reasonable!" He response with a stupid smile. I smirked at his puppy dog eyes as I poured us another round of shots.

"Ok then, heres to second chances" I toasted.

"Fuck yeah! To second fucking chances!" The two of us clinked our glasses and drank to we blacked out. 


Edit 9/11/23: Man I'm fucking psychic! We both got burned line? Slay!

Edit 9/12/23: I did these characters justice! I hit them right on the head!

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