Chp 4

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Chp 4

Sorry about the  mistakes my guinea pig died so I didn't reread it. Hope you guys like it though.


"Ok this shit is getting a little too real for my liking, come on (N/N). You did what you came here for." Blitz says. He had hop on the stage and got between me and Fizzarolli. He easily grabs my hand and began to guide me back to my dressing room.

"N/n?" Fizzarolli whispers to himself watching Blitz and I disappear behind the curtains.


"Oh Satan this is going to be in the tabloids all over helllllll." I whine as I sat in my dressing room. Blitz hums in agreement as he pours us each a glass of vodka.

"Yeah as much as I appreciate you defending my honor, now every shit stain in hell is going to know who you are. So that whole double life plan you had is shot to shit." The red demon says as he offers me a glass. I quickly swallowed the liquor welcoming the heat. The adrenaline rush of sort of confronting him in front of so many eyes was nerve wrecking to say the least.

"But I gotta admit. It felt great to see the stupid look on his face as he tried to piece together who I was. Do I really look that different?" I ask Blitz, he was putting on one of my lipsticks.

"From now to when we were kids? Oh fuck yeah. It's like the puberty fairy fucking beat you with it's dick."That was quite the visual aid. I snorted as I lean my head on my hand looking over at him with a large smile.

"So how come you were able to recognize me that night then?" I ask, Blitz freezes from applying mascara to his eyes lashes. He heaves a sigh before settling back in his chair.

"I've actually been keeping tabs on you for...for a couple years now. Honestly for the last five years. Social media makes stalking very easy. I...I always knew where you worked. I drove by every now and then but never had the balls to come in." He's been checking on me? Awe, thats kind of sweet.

"So what made you come in that night?" I ask softly as I scoot closer to him.

"Well after getting my ass handed to me by that fucking clown and Asmodeus a week ago it made me realize how much I fucked up all my relationships. So I decided to make amends with the one person that I hurt the most." He admits. Blitz didn't even look at me the whole time he talked. But I knew talking about his feelings made him feel very uncomfortable. I reach over and place my hands on his, he flinch under my touch but let it happen. 

"B, I know this isn't-

"Y/N!" A figure screams as they kick my dressing room door in. I whip my head around and see Fizzarolli. Fucking hell.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I shouted but he completely ignored me as he wraps his arms around Blitz and threw him out the room. Fizzarolli locks the door and turns back to me. Fuck.

"Holy shit, Y/N is it actually you?" He asks placing his hand on his hip.

"Yes." I growl my tail swaying threatening ready to bite his head off. I stood up from my seat as I stare him down. The clown hums as he walks around me slowly. Observing me.

"Fucccckkkk~ Time has been good to ya, Hasn't it?" He purrs as he gentle strokes my tail. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I quickly snatch my appendage out of his grip. I bared my teeth at him as I growl.

"What do you want?" I hiss. Fizzarolli raise his hands in defeat as he chuckles.

"Cool it hot stuff. Just wanted to confirm it was you. Seeing that it is, I can't seem to remember why I came in here." He says his eyes still wondering over my figure.

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