Chapter 6

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Russo's p.o.v

Rascal had had enough of my pacing back and forward. Like every cat he laid sprawled in the middle of the room, trying to grab my legs or get his claws on my sweatpants.

I dropped down on the bed contemplating If maybe this morning I should just stay home. Pretend I'm sick.

Yeah, I could do that.

I started wiggling in bed. Noooo, I can't. That would be a cowardly move.

Why was it that when it came to dealing with Elif Bradberry I was so sure of myself, but when it came to Damyan I was restless?

So far I did great at keeping him interested, but I was already good at that. What if he suddenly starts talking to me and...

I suddenly got a mental picture of him getting so mad after finding out I was seducing him on purpose and he pulls me into a dark corner.


And then he'd say something like.. Is this what you wanted to achieve? To have me going crazy for you? Mmmm..Why are you such a tease princess? And then leans over and his lips smashing over mine..

And he grabs my waist and he puts his hand on my...

I waved a hand in front of my face. I cannot be having these fantasies.

I need to be cold hearted. I cannot ruin this by catching feelings.

I got up and stood in front of the mirror. "Hey Damyan?" I smiled.

Ew no, creepy.

Let's try that again.

"Heey." I wiggled my eyebrows at the mirror.

Okay. Absolutely not.

"Oh hi.." I put my hair behind my ear, playing innocent.

It's too late to act shy now.

Uuuugh, what kind of approach should I have?

Yeah this was not going to work. Without wasting more time I put on a cute sweater, an overall dress over it and some make up.

Let's be real.

He'll probably ignore me. Or pretend yesterday doesn't exist. Yeah exactly. He is too confused to do anything, too shocked by what both Elif and I did yesterday.

Which is fine because I can take my time today coming up with a new plan.

Running a bit late, I was running around the house stealing jewelry from mom's box and exchanging coats with her.

"You're just gorgeous." She muttered the words while putting on lipstick in the hallway mirror.

"I know." I hopped on one knee putting on the boots.

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