Chapter 13

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Russo's p

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Russo's p.o.v

Later that night, I called Shay to ask her about the date.

"It was...okay." She said.

"Just okay?" She went to eat, then to the movies then a walk in the park. She seemed like she was having a great time. I know, I was.

"I mean..I had a great time with him. We laughed we talked, but not in one moment did I think I'm falling for him."

"Hm.." I wrapped a blanket around myself and placed her on speaker to eat while talking to her. "Are you planning on quitting?"

"No. I will see this through."

"Shay you don't have to force yourself." I said.

Deep down, it was the only thing I ever worried about her.

She was great with everything else. She liked who she was, she was great at her job, everyone who ever worked with her loved her.

She knew what she was going to do after high school and yet she lived in the moment enjoying her day to day life. She was great at school and had tons of friends. The boys all loved her and she wasn't afraid to flirt or ignore them depending on her mood.

The only problem she ever had was love. She hated love and she didn't trust love. She saw it as this explosive thing that made her parents go crazy and it freaked her out to the point she always repressed any feeling she ever might have felt for someone.

The moment she could feel feelings she shut them down immediately.

"Did you talk about this with Luca?"

"No." She said carelessly and then she lowered her voice. "Should I have?"

I swallowed the food I was chewing. "Hm.. I think Luca can tell when you might actually start feeling something for him. Girl let me call you back. "

I hung up and then just before I redialed Luca's number for more info I saw mom peeking with her head inside.

I jolted back and almost turned over my plate. "Damn it mom, you scared me. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. The date didn't go well?" She walked inside heading straight to my makeup table and picked up a brush playing with it.

"The date went well but she still doesn't have feelings for him, which is bad because I don't know if she's just repressing them or she really doesn't like him."

"Yeah I don't think a nice date would turn things around." She said distracted.

"What do you mean." I placed the plate on the coffee table.

She turned around focusing on me. "If a nice date was all it took, she was going to date long time ago honey."

"So...any suggestions?"

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