Chapter 19

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Russo's p.o.v

By the next day I was sitting in class on my phone looking at the nearby lodging houses that the other school recommended. After I got home yesterday, did some research and prepared a persuasive speech, soon as I got to school this morning, I contacted the school's student body president with a passive-aggressive email. In less than an hour we got a call and once I had done my provocations -the student body president did the job for me. He booked the practice.

Oh, this looks like a nice lodging house.

I hearted the location and kept scrolling on my phone.

I was pretty sure Sabrina was going to be down coming with me to this trip, but I was feeling quite nervous about how Damyan was going to react.

Would he be pleased? Happy? Excited? Grateful? What if he thinks I'm butting in though?

Suddenly there was a commotion in the hallway.

"Russo!!" One of the girls in my class ran inside breathless, hanging for her life on the door frame. "Just heard that the whole baseball team is coming here. To our classroom. They were asking around which one you were in."

I got up feeling dizzy a bit. The whole team.. THE WHOLE TEAM?

I ran outside meeting them in the hallway.  Oh gosh this was immense pressure.

Damyan nudged his teammates aside and then ran towards me with a huge smile on his face.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. "You're incredible, you know that."

It was like a jolt right to my heart.

My arms wrapped around his back and I broke into a smile at the realization he was happy.

We started swaying from side to side and spinning into circles.

"Get a room." His team started whistling and woohooing.

"I can't believe you managed to book us a practice game on your own." His voice carried an ecstatic note.

"I want to see you play sooner rather than later." I answered.

He suddenly grabbed my face in his hands smiling at me. He spoke low enough so only I could hear him. "Russo. I like you."

My heart fluttered.

Before I could say something back he was tugged backward by Paul and one more classmate. "We didn't come here for your love story." Paul yelled at him.

His other teammate put his hand out. "I'm George. Heard you booked us a practice game. How about you ditch the student council and come to be our manager."

"Yeah." The other teammates approached me, attacking me with questions and compliments about the practice game I booked.

"What? You're coming to the trip with us?" George exclaimed after I told him. "Tck, you could have brought a friend too."

"I'm bringing my student council friend Sabrina."

Paul pushed everyone out of the way and glared at George. "Don't you even try."

"I'm your upperclassman you trash." George put him in a chokehold. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Let's be fair. With his rotten personality, he won't get anyone else." Damyan laughed.

George let go of Paul and pointed at himself. "What about me? I need all the help I can get."

They were such a fun lovely bunch, laughing and making fun of one another. I could see Damyan fitting in so well.

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