Chapter 21

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Luca's p.o.v

Not good. Not good at all. I rushed out of the school. After the message, I got from Shay I knew this wasn't going to go down well.

She was outside leaning on the wall wearing sunglasses again, sending vibes out not to approach her.

I walked over and she took off the sunglasses. "I said to get here in five minutes."

That glare wasn't kidding.

"Are you timing me?" I leaned on the wall with one hand looking down at her.

"You think I won't?" She brought her hand up nudging my chest away.

"If you're going to be a bitch I'm going to leave." I told her.

"If I said to get here in five then you should ..."

I turned around walking away.

Stop me..stop me..stop me..

She suddenly grabbed my elbow.

Oh thank god. It was risk after risk with her.

I turned around and she gritted her teeth. "Fine..I'll be nice."

Ah, she was too cute.

"So what pissed you off today? Talk to me." I hugged her. Her face was leaned onto my chest and she was hidden with my body in this little corner on the wall.


She still wasn't saying anything but instead, let go of an uncertain heavy sigh.

"Is it that hard?"

Her hands suddenly wrapped around me, her fingers gripping into my back. She was looking at the ground, nodding her head.

"Okay, okay.." I whispered into her ear.

We stayed like that hugging for quite some time. I thought she'd pull away by now but instead, she leaned on the wall into an even more comfortable position.

I eventually let my bag drop on the floor. We were going to be here for a while.

"I can't do this anymore." She sighed.

"The hug?" I asked.

She gave me an annoyed look. "No. My parents. I can't focus on anything at home nor rest after work. I have a photoshoot today and I can only imagine what's waiting for me. Should I just run away from home?"

"Hmmm." I took a second to think. That didn't seem like a plausible solution nor one I wanted to agree with.

I can't ask her to come to my place...but..

"I might have a solution for the moment.It's not permanent but.."

"Anything..." She looked up at me with pleading eyes.

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now