Chapter 11

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Aaaand  I'm back with more ❤ Sorry it won't be a double post because this week has been hectic. :/

Damyan's p.o.v

Bloodthirst.. Fueled by revenge.. Tough words coming from such a small girl who could barely carry coffee.

Yet only I knew why it made me so happy to hear them.

I did one last stretch with the thera band and then headed towards the bullpen. My body was almost warmed up for practice.

Ever since I started playing baseball, I continued doing it for fun yet the better I was at it, the more effort I started putting in.

It was a fierce sport inside and out.

I looked around at the rest of the players. Some were desperate to get in the line up, their faces carrying a devastating concentration and pressure.

"Hey you.." A guy with a buzz cut approached me. Shoot, I still can't remember all their names.

I think he was on the second string cause he was a new guy on the team.

"Pitch me the ball. I need to warm up." He tossed me the ball, putting on his mit glove.

I walked to an appropriate distance and pitched him the ball. He caught it and then looked at me.

"If you pitch me a lousy ball like that one more time, I'm going to find another baseball player than can throw a decent ball."

That little shit. Did he even know who he was talking to? I suddenly got the urge to crush him.

"Weren't you the one, the coach favors? The one who crushed all the other teams when you played for your previous school?" He asked me, returning the ball back to me.

I caught the ball and tossed it back to him with the sharpest controlled ball I had. To my surprise he caught it.

He smirked. "Not bad."

Not bad? This guy was starting to piss me off.

We kept tossing the ball back and forward, each time I sent him harder and faster balls but he kept catching them.

Shit, I was getting breathless.

I looked at the guy, but he wasn't having it easy with me either.

I started throwing curve balls and again this damn guy caught them.

The coach over to us. "You two. Get in line."

We walked over to the line with the rest of the players and the coach started splitting everyone into teams. In the end there were just four people left, including me and this guy.

The coach crossed his arms."I originally had a different idea in mind for the team ups but after this warm up session my fucking problems are over."

He glanced at me. "Damyan, you have talent but you look too comfortable and it's pissing me off."

He turned toward the other guy. " Paul, you're a great catcher and you move fast, but you get bored too easily with the pitchers. You two have been giving me a headache that I wondered what the hell I'm to do with you."

He suddenly gave us a sinister smile. " You two are a team today. You'll be doing something different than the others." He turned around and whistled. "George, get in here." He called over one of the guys from the first line up. "You'll be batting and pitching with these two today. If they manage to get a ball past you or bat a ball you throw, I'll put them in the first string line up. Don't go easy on them."

Little Wicked Game (2021)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя