Chapter Five: The Infamous Michaelangelo.

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Chapter Five: The Infamous Michaelangelo.

Chapter Five: The Infamous Michaelangelo

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"So you're like...into cinematography?" I asked Angelo as we walked into the class where everyone else was waiting for the art teacher Ms. Murphy to start.

"You could say that," he replied. "Or you could say I'm just interested in cameras"

A group of girls giggled and waved at him as we passed by to the pair of easels on the left of the classroom, second row, the only seats left anyways.

He didn't wave back at them but he gave them a look I interpreted as utter confusion. Honestly, he needed to work on finding the right expressions.

"Oh" I said, I had many questions about that but not all of them made sense so I just shut up.

"He's so cute" the girls behind us whispered.
"Love his hair"
"I dare you to touch it"
"I have a better idea"

A paintbrush suddenly flew from behind and landed on the floor between us.

We both ignored it.

The bell rang and Mrs. Murphy stood up abruptly. "Alright class everyone quiet down, no side talks"

The noise in the class reduced to quiet and she continued.

"We have a new student in our midst today. He's right over there. Can you stand up please, Mister?"

Angelo stayed seated, daydreaming out the glass that allowed people to see the hallway.
I nudged him with my elbow.

"She's talking to you"

"You don't know that"

"Yes you, Mister with the many rings and" Mrs. Murphy tried again, and this time Angelo stood up reluctantly.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to the class, please?"

"No" he said dryly.

Everyone laughed.

"Oh" The art teacher said and blinked twice, probably receiving a reply like that for the first time. "Well, in that case, let's continue with the class"

"He's so cool." someone whispered, chuckling.

About ten minutes later we were all working on each of our drawings. The teacher had asked us to paint something we felt like.

"Is that a cow?" Angelo asked me, watching me paint black spots on my canvas.

"No" I whispered. "It's a cat"

I heard him snort like he accidentally laughed but when I looked at him, his face was void of emotion.

"It's terri-"


"-fic. It's a terrific cat-cow" he whispered.

"It's not a cat-cow, face your own drawing you uncertified critic" I murmured, rolling my eyes.

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