Chapter Thirty: The "Cool" Group.

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Chapter Thirty: The "Cool" Group.

"What a surprise." I heard a deep voice murmur, rousing me from my sleep. A slight gust of fresh breeze followed and I slowly blinked my eyes open.

"Hmm," I mumbled and tried to stretch but my limbs couldn't quite move. I raised my head off the pillow and found that I'd rolled myself into a burrito with the blankets.

"Oh, come on." I sighed and let my head fall back down. I decided to take it as a sign that I'd slept really well.

My eyes snapped up to the window where I found his royal highness pushing the shutters open and bathing the room in warm light.

This really was a surprise, it was meant to be cold out by now, but here we were in sunlight that was almost fit for summer.
And Angelo was standing right in it, shirtless.

I didn't realize someone's back muscles could make me blush and get all flustered. Smiling to myself, I stared at him and nibbled on the edge of my burrito blanket like an idiot.

Then he ran his hand through his golden hair and it hit me like a random heart attack.

He was angelic!

No, really. He was literally cast in a different light before my eyes and he wasn't shrouded in black. It was almost like he was glowing, showing his true form.

This was what the Angelo that had invited me to hang out in the bathtub last night looked like.

I really wanted to take a picture and frame it and hold it to my heart forever. But I couldn't and that made my throat tighten with emotion.

All too soon though, the moment was over and he pulled on a shirt.

"No!" I whimpered sadly and sniffed.

Angelo immediately whirled around in something close to alarm. "Violet."


I couldn't even imagine what went through his mind when he turned around to see me laying hopelessly on the bed all swaddled up and emotional.

His eyebrows furrowed and he walked over.
Serious Angelo was also very breathtaking, especially when he leaned over and ran the back of two of his fingers over my cheek, cautiously, I noticed.

"Hi. You're crying." He pointed out.

I sniffed again, "I didn't know that."

"Thought as much." He said and reached into the side drawer to get a face-wipe before helping me wipe my nose. "Blow?"

I shook my head and he tossed it away. "So why are you crying?"

I attempted a shrug but I was still a burrito. "I just...well, you were standing there and...and you just looked really pretty in the light but I couldn't take a picture, and..."
My eyes welled up with more tears and his eyebrows raised.

"You're crying because I'm... pretty."

I nodded.

"I thought period hormones were supposed to hit harder on the first day." Angelo deadpanned. "Can you go to school today?"

My eyes widened in realization. "School! Of course! We missed yesterday, we can't miss today as well!"

The next thirty seconds consisted of me trying to wriggle myself out of the blanket while Angelo watched quietly to see how I'd pull it off.

I eventually stopped, exhausted. "Help me."

"You know I would," He replied with a little nod before a spark of mischief flashed in his grey eyes, "But I think you look cute like this."

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