Chapter Forty-four: Dollhouse.

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Chapter Forty-four: Dollhouse.

Seven Years Ago

Cassie just got the latest doll and she was only showing it to people she liked. Violet really wanted to see it for real, she'd only ever seen it on TV before.

It came with a car, cool outfits, a hairbrush, and the best part; a big house with a slide! It was gorgeous.

"You think Cassie would show us her doll if we ask her during break?" Faith who was just as excited to see it asked.

Faith was Violet's friend for the whole of sixth grade. She was a curly red-head with freckles and glasses.
Later on, they would grow apart as their lives unfold and Faith would move to another country.

"I don't know," Violet bit on a thumb nail, before toeing the ground, "Yesterday, when I tripped and bumped into her and made a drop of nail polish spot her new gym shoes, she yelled at me."

"But she gets a new pair every other week!" Faith sighed. "Well there goes our chance, why are you always tripping? Here let me help with your laces."

It was probably because of how small Violet was, but Faith loved to take care of her. Violet didn't mind the help.

Just as Faith got back up again, two other girls passed by.
"Cassie showed it to me! She's so awesome, I want a doll house of my own!

"I'll tell my mom we need it for school...."

Faith and Violet sighed.


In a matter of hours, all the talk in the air had changed from, "Doll house!", "Cassie's Doll", to "New girl!", "New girl!" And that was very exciting because eleven year olds did love new things to talk about.

Of course Cassie wasn't pleased about it.

"Do you think she'll be nice?" Violet asked as they waited in class for the teacher to arrive with the new girl.

"I don't know, I hope she is though." Faith said. "And rich and friendly with a nice house she can invite us to!"

"That would be so cool!" Violet agreed.

Cassie, who was on the row next to them decided she'd had enough talk of the new girl.

"Do you guys want to see my doll house?" She asked giving them a lovely smile.

Faith and Violet looked at each other before beaming at Cassie. "Yes!"

"Come on, it's at the back of the class." She led the way, her long ponytail swaying as she walked. There at the back of the class, Jason McGuire and some of the other restless boys were playing guards.

"Who goes there? State your business!" Hale Frances said and Lloyd Freedman backed him up. They all had plastic rulers as pretend guns, though Jason held his ruler as a sword and Hale kept jabbing Lloyd's side with his.

"Hi Hale!" Violet said, waving. He didn't hear her.

"I'm the owner of this house." Cassie said and she had on that pretend frown she liked to put on whenever she was talking to Jason.

"What's the password?" Jason asked but Cassie didn't seem to have the patience for that.

"I'll punch you all in the noses if you don't let us pass!" She threatened.

"That's correct!" Jason grinned, displaying his braces before moving himself and his friends aside.

"Yay, dollhouse!" Violet squealed and went to kneel next the beautiful thing with Faith beside her. "It's so pretty..."

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