Chapter Sixty: The Final Showdown.

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Chapter Sixty: The Final Showdown.

Franca Frances, the one who built her dynasty upon lies, fear, and the murder of her own blood, got up from her seat to walk around the table to me.
And for the first time in a while, I took a good look at her.
I observed the nice, easy grace with which she stood, the way she tossed her golden braid over her shoulder, her crystal blue eyes, her simple loose wrap top. She looked like a pretty mom next door... until she tried to kill you, that is.

"Little Violet Adams," she cooed, seemingly pleased to see me, "I cannot decide if you're a blessing or-"

The sound of Hale losing his balance and slumping to the ground cut her off and she sighed in annoyance.
"Hans, pick your son off the ground so he stops being even more pathetic." She made an aggravated gesture and her husband immediately ran to do as she asked.

"Did he not take the painkillers?" She watched Hale get into the seat across from mine, pale and sickly as he was.

"All seven of them, dear."

Hale attempted to speak, "It's only taking a while..."

"Tell him he should be grateful he's not trapped in a hospital, Hans." Franca interrupted, not even sparing them a glance.

I would have felt sorry for Hale, but I was too busy hating him. My eyes darted back to Franca when she turned her attention back to me.

This time her smile seemed tighter, like she wanted to kill me on the spot but had to play nice. "You see? I was just saying how I can't decide if you are a blessing or a curse. On one hand, you turned Hale into... this, but on the other hand, you single handedly got the one person who could actually bring harm to everything I've worked for under my thumb!"

I shuddered despite myself. I already knew I was a bargaining tool, but what if it actually worked?

"Oh I simply cannot wait to see all the things he's willing to do to keep you safe." Franca said gleefully, all but floating over to where I was seated and ripping the tape off my mouth. Then she lowered her face to mine and dropped the façade. "And if I've underestimated your affections, I'll just finish him off while you watch."

"Everyone would know what you've done." I said back, if this was the end, then I'd spend the last hours of my life not being afraid of her for once. "You'll never get out of this the same way, Franca."

She scoffed and stood straighter, staring down at me with those harsh blue eyes. "Being timid and stupid suited you better, small thing. Don't you agree Hale?"

Hale seemed to have gained enough strength to move and he sat straighter, staring across the table at me with a scowl that disfigured his face even more. "It's that Angelo's fault for brainwashing her and giving her all these bright ideas."

"And what do you have to say about this unfortunate situation?" Franca asked.

Hale shot to his feet, newly motivated and his palm slammed the table. "You're coming back to me, Violet. It's for your own good!"

I could have rolled my eyes at the nerve of this guy, but I fixed him with a level gaze. "What did I tell you about talking to me ever again?"

He looked taken aback at my words and even Hans where he stood, gasped lightly when Hale turned to look at his Mom nervously.

"And I thought you couldn't possibly disappoint me more." Franca sighed.

Suddenly, the doors to the dining hall banged open, and every head in the room turned to the direction of the noise.

My heart couldn't decide if to leap for joy or disintegrate with anxiety at the sight of Angelo being escorted in by two hefty men pointing guns at his head.

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