Chapter Twenty-seven: Solar Eclipse

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Chapter Twenty-seven: Solar Eclipse.

A//N: if you so happen to be a re-reader, I upgraded the "poem". I'm a little more poem-literate now. Haha.

Violet's POV

"Yeah I definitely should have more sick days because this is the life." I sighed, sipping from the straw in my juice box before putting it on the side drawer and flopping back onto the pillow. I winced when the sudden movement caused me sharp pain.

"I shouldn't have done that." I groaned.

"Careful, Violet." Angelo said, coming to replace the loads of chocolate and snacks I'd already ploughed through before gesturing for me to move my legs so he could sit. "I don't know how you're having fun when you're in so much pain, but I'm struggling to catch up here..."

"It's called multitasking. Besides, you're the one who insisted you'd 'take care' of me, you know? Tía wanted to do it." I chided, dropping my bare feet onto his lap as I watched him carefully fold the hot towel he was holding.

"I would rather not worry from a distance." He said and gingerly lifted my flimsy camisole of a nightwear off my tummy.

I could never not blush every time he had to do that, but I sighed when the hot towel was placed on my abdomen. The heat was strangely relieving.
"I'd rather you not worry at all." I chuckled, "I go through this at least once every month, I'll be alright, this isn't even as bad as other days..."

"They can get worse?" Angelo nearly jumped away from me. "You literally can't move!"

"I can move, Angelo." I chuckled, "Not too much though. I also just didn't want to go to school late again."

"So if you weren't late, you would have gone to school? Like this?" The concept seemed to bewilder him.

"Please, I always go to school, I'm just lucky to have you fuss over me like this today." I replied, running a finger across the back of his palm that was spread out on the bed.

I was hoping to get him to not talk about my suffering which I was trying not to make look as bad it was. But he frowned as he thought about it some more.

"What? You just go through this alone?" He asked, outrageously and I went into small giggles.
"No I'm serious, Violet. I probably shouldn't be surprised if he didn't but Hale never helped you out?"

"Nope, but I also never bothered telling him either, he won't care." I said and took a still frozen bar of Mars from the side drawer so I could bite into it. "Mmm, frozen chocolate."

"You like that too?" Angelo asked, watching me with interest. "I thought it was just me."

I grinned, "Frozen chocolate is the best. I like when it..."

"Melts in your mouth!" We said together and I giggled while he gave me a small side smile.

My heart skipped as an idea came to my mind. Gosh, I had no clue if I'd actually regret this or not.

"What?" Angelo asked, dragging his fingertips along the length of my foot. He'd noticed my change in expression.

"Give me a minute." I said and took the hot towel off my tummy so I could get off the bed, making sure he didn't see me wince in pain.

I went to the desk where a pile of my books were and I brought out the one.

"Just...don't make me more embarrassed than I already am." I sighed as I handed him the book with both hands before sitting next to him.

"Oh wow." Angelo said, his voice a note lower than usual. I don't know why I noticed that, I just did.

"Yeah, I think you earned my bad poetry," I said, folding my knees up to my chest, staring blatantly as he opened the book to the page I'd written the words, his fingers caressing the page like it was special.

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