Chapter Thirteen: Friends Who Always Have Your Back

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Chapter Thirteen: Friends Who Always Have Your Back.

"Seriously, Violet? A guy in the house?" Dad whispered harshly once he had pulled me aside to the corridor first thing in the morning.

"I thought I sent you a message" I groaned, rubbing my eyes and trying to stay awake.

"What message?" Dad asked, folding his arms. I looked up at him and the sleep drained from my eyes. He was really mad at me.

Quickly, I took out my phone and showed him the message. "It's literally right here... Oh." I forgot to plug back the wifi so the whole message didn't send.
"I'm sorry."

"Grounded," he stated, folding his arms.

"What?" I hissed. "I did something good, Dad. Angelo needed my help and I had no idea the wifi was off when I sent the message!"

"Out of all the people he knows, you're the one he just had to come to for help."

"I was the only one available, it was raining and super late..."

"We have rules, Violet, for our safety, it's just you and me. You can't just let anyone into the house. No more spending hours outside for you, lady"

"Really Dad?"

"Yeah, you're back in this house by four, and no more fancy dinners or any dinners for that matter at the Franceses" He turned to walk away.

"You can't just- wait, what?" I blinked. That was... actually nice!

"You heard me" Dad replied and I followed him into the living room, nearly even dancing for joy. Best punishment ever!

Angelo was no longer on the couch when we entered the room, but he came out of the kitchen running the back of his hand over his mouth.

He stopped at the doorway once he saw us and I took a quick second to appreciate how good he looked with his long wavy hair all over his face and the black sweater showing one side of the curve of his neck more than the other.

"I just wanted some water..." He murmured before clearing his throat and straightening up. "Good morning, Mr. Adams."

"Good morning, Angelo, is it?" Dad asked, scanning him over with his eyes. I just knew he was thinking something along the lines of "player".

"Angelo Sullivan, sir" Angelo replied. He didn't even bother to sound at least a bit interested in this conversation, just his usual deadpan. "Sorry for any inconvenience I might have caused."

"You don't look sorry" Dad observed and I nudged him.

"Dad just doesn't like strangers" I put in but before I could continue, Angelo interrupted.

"I was hoping you'd recognize me, I've been to your restaurant several times" he said and I covered my grin with my palm. That was perfect, he'd hit the jackpot.

Dad's sceptical expression changed drastically. "I thought you looked familiar!" He smiled and from then on it was Angelo dropping subtle compliments about the food and Dad gushing on and on and seeking more.

I just left them to it, folding blankets and stuff. Then I was surprised when heard Dad saying stuff like "drop by anytime" and "you're always welcome here." That was quick. I just hoped he won't take my punishment away.

Anyway, soon, we were all outside in the cold morning, waiting for Angelo's ride.

"What did you say your surname was again, Angelo?" Dad asked, more relaxed than before.

"Sullivan, Jimmy" Angelo replied. Yeah they were on first name basis now. "There's my ride"

Dad and I both left our jaws on the ground when a black, shiny limousine pulled up in front of our yard.
Angelo picked up his one suitcase from where he left it on our porch and strolled up to the driver who had opened the door for him.

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