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Late Nights

꧁Late Nights꧂

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After the nightmare you had, you found it quite impossible to get back to sleep. No matter how many times you tossed, turned, and closed your eyes you still couldn't get back to sleep.

You give up on going back to sleep after about thirty minutes and heave a sigh as you pull yourself out of the futon. If you weren't going to be able to get to sleep you may as well get something to drink.

Just before exiting the room you grab a random jacket of yours and shrug it on. You turn on the flashlight on your phone and use it to navigate the dark hallways of the school. At one point you thought you heard a sound, immediately freezing in your tracks and looking around. After pausing for a short while, listening to see if you heard it again, Seeing as you hadn't heard anything else you continue on.

Making your way into the kitchen you hear more noises. But these seem more familiar in a way. You know you've heard these before. You continue into the kitchen to find Kenma with his PSP held close to his face as he plays it.

You don't know how to announce yourself without scaring him so you just kinda awkwardly stand there. Not too long later you find yourself simply observing Kenma, fascinated by his features. You observe him in a slouched position that makes your finger twitch to correct it, but you probably couldn't do that without frightening him and making him loose his game. You look up further taking in his hair that was still slightly damn, Kenma having a towel resting on his shoulders that had a few wet spots. You look down to see, gorgeous golden cat like eyes observing you.

"Are you going to just stand there?" Kenma ask

"I didn't want to startle you. You seemed like you were into your game."

Kenma's silent for a while before a small smile makes its way across his face and your heart melts. You don't think you've seen Kenma smile but a few times and every time he does you feel like you're on cloud nine. "How was your practice today?"

Your eyebrows raise, surprised Kenma asked. "It went well. I'm making progress on my jumps so i'm glad. I don't want to just stagnate, y'know?"

Kenma hums. "Are you just going to stand there the whole time? You can sit down. I don't bite." He then picks up his phone and fiddles with it for a few seconds before putting it down again.

You let out a small laugh "Yeah you're right my bad." You take a seat across from Kenma and you notice he's picked his PSP back up but turned off the volume. "You do any extra practice today?"

"Yeah, I practiced with Shouyou for a bit before i.. before he ran off."

"That go well?"


It's silent for a while before Kenma speaks up again "Hey y/n?"


"Have you ever heard of polyamory?" This is the second time someones asked you this. You keep your face neutral, aware of how Kenma is observing you.

"Yeah, it's when you have or want to have more than one intimate partner, right?"

Kenma nods and you notice that he seems relieved in some way "Yeah that's right. What do you think of it?"

"I think it sounds nice. As long as everyone is consenting and open to it. Relationships take work and there's three or more people so of course your going to have to put in more work. But i totally think it can be successful."

Kenma perks up a little, now looking you in your eyes "So you don't think it's dirty or immoral?"

"Nope. Hell, if the right people asked, i'd love to be apart of a polyamorous relationship."

"You would?"

"I mean yeah. If they'd want to pursue something romantic. Or you could be a sexual partner or even a romantic partner but not on the level of their main partner, then of course-"

"Romantic partner," You're cut off from your rambling by a new voice joining the conversation. "You'd be a romantic partner on the same level as the first and it'd be a closed relationship."

"Kuroo..." You observe the male as he tilts his head at you in greeting before he goes to stand behind Kenma. "How long we're you standing there for?"

"Long enough."

You look in between the two of them "What're are the two of you getting at?"

"We want you to date us." Kuroo says, his hands moving pass from the ends of Kenma's chair to s shoulders.

You stare in shock. Your voice raised in pitch, you still not believing the situation "Both of you?"

Kenma nods "The both of us."

You mind goes blank and all you can do is stare at the two. "But i-" You blink rapidly before pointing at yourself "Me?" You truly can not believe anything you're hearing right now. Once again your voice raises in pitch "The two of you want me?"

Kenma and Kuroo exchange weary glances. They thought they read the situation right. They researched, the did so much work. They were sure, hell they were absolutely positive, that you liked them back. Did they read it wrong?

"Don't get me wrong! I would love the date the two of you but the two of you have been dating for a while and i don't want either of you to feel like you have to date me because i've been making goo goo eyes at you! You can just reject me if you please."

Kuroo reaches across the table and puts two fingers underneath your chin, which makes you look up at him from your seat. "Y/n, If we didn't like you back we wouldn't be having this conversation."

You glance away from Kuroo to see Kenma already staring at you. You dont say anything but Kenma simply nods.

"So," Kenma starts out slowly, him still holding eye contact, "What do you say?"

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