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Desert table dialogue

꧁Desert table dialogue꧂

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You'd always had an affinity for sweet things. Your parents first assumed it was due to you being a child. What child didn't like sweet things? But as you grew older you'd not outgrown your passion for all things sweet. While it didn't greatly concern your parents (mostly in thanks to a five star chef and nanny combination that'd rather throw themselves off a high tower than have you eat sweet treats 24/7) it did concern you.

You pass by a quaint little pastry shop, milk bread, apple pie, strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, sweet breads, coffee jelly, you name it they have it.

Okay, maybe having a sweet tooth didn't concern you that much. At least that's what you told yourself as you abandoned your mission to head home after a particularly grueling practice, and instead entered the pastry shop.

You could practically feel drool slip down your chin as you stepped in. The sweet smell of each pastry danced around your nose and each and everyone smelled so utterly delectable. Something wet hits your hand and—oh, your actually drooling.

Your quick to wipe the offending liquid away and get a quick pump of hand sanitizer that was placed by the doorway. Maybe everyone drools when they first walk in? Or maybe some world stopping pandemic is happening... Moving on!

Your eyes waste no time and you read each and every item on the menu almost having a mental breakdown by the number of sweet treats they have displayed on both their wall and in the glass cases.

Your eyes light up seeing the plump treats and you line up behind two very familiar figures. Soon enough the two scurry off and your at the counter.

After both you and the man at the counter greet one another you get two orders, because treat yourself, of daifuku and a vanilla milkshake along with explaining that you'll be dining in.

The man behind the counter gives you a strained smile "I'm sorry but all of our single tables are full, would you like to take the order to go or can I ask one of our customers if they would be comfortable sitting with you?"

"The two boys that came in just before me, we go to the same school and ordered at different times due to me paying for my own food, i can sit with them."

The man brightens at that "Great! They're at table eight, i'll have your order delivered to that table as well." You nod and give a soft bow to the man who returns the gesture.

"Thank you."

With that you head to table eight, thats actually a booth, and plop down on an empty bench much to both Kenma and Kuroo's surprise. Sue you, you wanted some nice desserts okay! Besides, if they didn't want you to join why the hell would they sit on the same side of the booth? I mean seriously, who does that?

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