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"L/N Kun!"

You stop, Wakatoshi and Atsumu walking with you all stop and turn in the direction the voice came from to see Takahashi running towards the three of you.

"Oh, Takahashi san. How are you?"

"Ah," The male sweat drops and falls into step with you, the four of you continuing into the practice building. "I heard we're doing ballet today so I could be better..."

"We're doing ballet today..?" You sigh "How tedious."

Takahashi let's out a small laugh "You only say that because Ina sensei get's on to you a lot."

"hmp, it's not my fault that I need to stretch before I can fully begin to work. It seems everyone is complaining about m stretching regiment today."

"Stretching is important. You need to make sure you're muscles are not stiff or else you could get seriously injured." You almost jump at Wakatoshi's unexpected words almost forgetting that two volleyball players were still with you.

"As annoying as it may seem stretching is important." Atsumu grumbles. You hum in agreement as you spot where you will have to part with the volleyball players.

"See you all after practice." You mutter waving goodbye to the two before turning and walking towards the male ice skaters training room, dragging
Takahashi with you.


The other reason you absolutely hated ballet? Your coach, Ina sensei, is an absolute monster. Her eyes are always watching. Watching you in particular, you even let your legs down for a second and suddenly you have to do five more reps to make up for it.

"Y/N! No water break for you, your arabesque was sloppy, your leg drooped and your arms looked like they were going to give out any second, back to the floor."

Your eye twitches but you turn from your water and the rest of your team, you know better than to give her anything less than a smile or a nod. "Yes Ina sensei."

Your ice skating coach only watches. You can feel his eyes on your back but you only do as Ina sensei told you to. Right now you are not on the ice. This is not his or your domain, this is the ballet studio, you are not in control here, Ina sensei is. Right now you should do nothing but listen to the words of her.


You sigh holding onto the straps of your backpack as you scroll through your ice skating chat room. As it turns out the inter-high Kuroo was telling you about is in two weeks and your upcoming competition was next week. Seeing as you placed pretty high last year you were seated in the second seed and didn't have to do any competition earlier in the year. You'd already texted your U-19 coach explaining the situation, surprisingly he was pretty chill about it.

"Uh, L/N san... there's someone at the door for you." You look up from your phone and flash a smile at the girl causing her to blush.

"Thank you." You place your phone in your pocket before standing and walking to the door.

"Nii Chan!"

Startled you look down to see your little brother rushing at you once more. "Gou!" A small grin stretches on your face seeing him, but you can't help but wonder what he's doing here. You bend down to embrace your little brother, "What are you doing here Gou?"

"We're on a field trip!" Gou laughs as he buries himself further into your embrace.

"Gou, where is your teacher?" Gou stops answering you after that. "...Gou did you run from your teacher to find me?" Gou says nothing and instead tightens his hold on you, "You did didn't you."

"...I just wanted to see Nii chan..." Gou looks up at you and his eyes are watering. You laugh a little and pat his head.

"Dry your tears Gou, let's go find your teacher." You stand up and take Gou's hand, ready to find where he's supposed to be.

At that exact moment your phone rings, taking your phone out you let out a sigh of relief seeing that it is Kuroo instead of your mother or father calling to see about Gou's whereabouts.


"Hey L/N... I don't suppose you have a kid by the name of Gou do you? He's supposed to be Yakkun's partner for this leadership thing us third years are doing with the local elementary school."

You look down at your brother and give him and unimpressed look, he ran down here all the way from the third year floor. "I'll bring him to you now. I apologies for the inconvenience."

"It's not issue. Just glad to know he's safe with his older brother."

"Thank you Kuroo senpai."

"Yeah, You know where the classroom is right?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

"Right. Bye."


With nothing more to say the two of you hang up and you begin your trek up to the third years floor. Gou, who was complaining about the amount of stairs, now cradled in your arms as you go to the classroom that you know Kuroo and Yaku are in.

"Gou, you could have gotten in a lot of trouble you know. And what if you hadn't found me?"

"I knew where Nii chan's classroom was. Besides I was gonna be good, I promise!" Gou looks up at you in determination but you can't help but coo as his facial expression is more of a pout than anything else.

"Oh... here we are." You gently place Gou down before crouching to his height once more. :Now, Gou. Yaku senpai is very nice 'kay? But for the love of all things good, please, don't say anything about his height and don't tell him I said that."

"I hope you know we both heard you." A familiar voice chuckles. Feeling an aura of anger behind you, you slowly turn around to see Kuroo staring down at you and Gou, Yaku behind him with a sweet smile that hides malice.

"Y-Yaku senpai!"

"Ah, well Gou. Here we are! Be good for Yaku senpai, and remind him why I'm his favorite... gotta go!" You grab Gou, place him in Kuroo's arms, completely disregarding the kid hanging onto to his back, gave a small bow to Gou's teacher and then hightailing it back to your classroom.

Hopefully Yaku senpai won't be too mad at you at volleyball practice later today.

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now