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Ice Skate

꧁Ice Skate꧂

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Kuroo usually slept in on Saturdays and early Saturday morning Kenma was usually just coming off of an energy drink induced all-nighter with his latest video game obsession. Neither boys were usually at an ice skating rink to avoid the wrath of an angry Yaku.

In fact neither of the boys want to be at the ice skating rink. But once again, angry Yaku. It actually wasn't hard to put two and two together. Y/N had mentioned in passing that he didn't have ice skating practice all week and apparently when Lev pried about it, because of course he did, it was because Y/N's ice skating coach gives them a week off to rest and prepare the skaters bodies.

So here they were, the whole of Nekoma's volleyball club (and Bokuto and Akaashi) because apparently Y/N invited Akaashi but Bokuto found out and decided to tag along. "Because it's Y/N kun! Fukurodani's soon to be third manager!" Bokuto's words, not Akaashi's.

Lev stares up at the stadium, eyes squinting to read the banner displaying the Kanji that read 'Men's junior division ice skating: Preliminaries!' before turning back to Yaku, or where Yaku was supposed to be, Lev missed it when he walked off with Bokuto and Akaashi to grab some snacks. "Why are we here again?"

"To support Y/N." Kenma boredly states as he smashes at the keys on his switch, fighting the urge to throw something at Lev. He'd asked the same question four time in a row, and each time he got the same answer.

"Yeah... but why?"

Kenma sighs heavily and Lev feels the urge to step back as he sees Kenma's eye twitch. Lev had been on the receiving end of Kenma's ire way too many times and he didn't like it. Kuroo rest an arm on Kenma's shoulder before leading him away mumbling something to the setter about grabbing a snack, shooting a look at Lev before they went. Poor Lev never learns.

The half Russian blinks as he's left with Yamamoto and Shibayama turning to the two in confusion as to where everyone else went. "..So, why are we here again?" Yamamoto groans.

You on the other hand, well you are quite surprised. As soon as you stepped into your brackets waiting room due to the fact that you all's warm up hadn't started you were immediately glomped. Your eyes widen as arms encircle you and a enthusiastic cry of your name leaves a familiar figures lips.



Where one is the other isn't far behind "Yuuri?!"

The Japanese male walks over timidly trying to avoid all the attention he was getting (Not like he would anyway, these two were world renown ice skaters). "Hi Y/N." Yuuri gives you a small smile before turning to coax his fiancé off of you. "Vitya," You don't miss the faint blush on Victors ears as the Russian nickname rolls off of Yuuri's tongue "Please get off of Y/N. I know we've been waiting for a while but we can't actually spend time with him with you hanging onto him like this."

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now