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Playful promises

꧁Playful promises꧂

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After being dragged out of the bus, you weren't really noticed and you and Yaku just listened to Kuroo and the other volleyball captain of the school talked about something the two of them called the 'Battle at the garbage dump'. Curious you turn your attention to the third year who seems to understand what the two are rambling about.

"Yaku senpai, what is this 'Battle at the garbage dump' that Kuroo senpai and Owl kun are talking about?"

"Oh, that's what we called the practice match against Karasuno."

"Hey hey hey!" Before you even know it, there's a finger in your face. "Who's this? You guys got another player!"

"Owl kun—"

"He called me an owl!" Before you can even process what's happening a sparkly eyed Owel has pushed you into his chest and wrapped his muscular arms around you for a hug.

"Bokuto san please—"

"Agaashi he called me an owl! And owl!"

"Bokuto let him go." Kuroo sighs.

"Sorry can't, he's Fukurodani's new manager." Bokuto retorts.

"That can't happen! I have to buy him lots of sweets for him to be here today, you can't just snatch him up like that!!" Yamamoto yells, unhappy that he'd have to buy sweets for someone who would no longer be the manager.

"Bokuto san please let him go, you don't even know his name."

The arms loosen and the bright eyed owl peeks down at you in curiosity, you stare back up at him with a deadpan expression "Whats your name?"

"L/N Y/N, second year, Nekoma's manager, i guess."

He shoves you back into your chest. "There, I know his name now."

"Bokuto san, that's not what i meant."

"Bokuto... let our manager go, or else i'll have to sick Yakkun on you." After Kuroo's threat Owl kun's grip on you loosens and your pulled away from one chest right into another but this time instead of your front against a toned stomach it's your back.

This time it's Kuroo holding an arm around you, protectively, the other is slung around Kenma's shoulder.

"Now, introduce yourself Bokuto, without snatching him away."

"Bokuto Koutarou, third year, ace and captain of Fukurodani aaaand one of the top five spikers in the nation!"

"Akaashi Keiji, second year, setter and vice captain."

You tilt your head to the two, "Nice to meet you."

In one fluid motion Bokuto manages to rest a hand on your shoulder and swoop you away from Kuroo, walking both of you into the school as he talks about his other team mates, slightly amused you go along with the muscled captain.

Before you know it Bokuto is pushing open double doors to Fukurodani's gym and gently pushing you forward "Guys look! I got us a new manager!!"

"Come on Bokuto san, he's literally wearing a Nekoma track suit, stop stealing other people's managers when we already have two." One of the other players chides Bokuto.

You glance behind you to see Bokuto's hair droop a little bit "Bu-But look. He's adorable."

You look away from the drooping male to his team who look exasperated.

"Bokuto, what did I say about stealing our manager?!" Once again your pulled away from Bokuto but instead of Kuroo keeping you guarded by himself he sticks you next to Lev Yaku and Kai. 

"But Kuroo, he's literally adorable!"

"He's a demon!" You reach over and Karate chop Yamamoto's stomach before sticking your tongue out at him.

"Y/N is staying with Nekoma, can we please just start the game!" Yaku announces.


You sit next to Coach Nekomata and Assistant coach Naoi staring in amazement at both Nekoma and Fukurodani.

While Nekoma may be lackluster on the ice the same certainly cannot be said of them on the court.

"I- wow..." Your rendered almost speechless. "They're both so..." You watch on as Inuoka serves up at ball. "I didn't really understand at first," Your eyes widen as someone from Fukurodani receives the ball before Akaashi sets the ball to Bokuto and the owl like male jumps to spike. "but... this game," At the same time both Kuroo and Yamamoto jump up to block Bokuto, "...is amazing!"


"So, L/N kun, what'd you think? I was Pret-ty cool huh?" Yamamoto questions, a smug smile on his face.

"I think you all played well." You nod.

"Oh, is well all?" You send a glare to Lev, who seems completely unaware of you cold look. "When i looked over here you seemed absolutely enthralled by the game."

You karate chop the side of Lev's stomach "Shut it."

"Alright, calm it you two." Naoi warns.

"This was a very good game. We managed to take a set away from Fukurodani this time. And since we haven't really played with them a lot, we coaches are treating you all to a meal, so get freshened up and head to the bus."

The volleyball boys cheer enthusiastically and you watch with a small smile.

What an odd group.

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