Part 12

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After we had stood there for a while, waiting to see if Ryan would come out, I decided it would be best to leave, and take Lily home. Which she agreed to.
As we were about to leave I quickly realised I didn't have my car.
I stopped and took out my phone, calling my friends number, "hey, can I borrow your car please."
"Yeah come get my keys, I'm in the kitchen." My bestfriend slurred from the other end of the phone, I realised there would be no problem with taking her car as she and her boyfriend  were too drunk to drive anyway.
"I'm just going to get car keys of my friend, I'll be back." I said to lily, backing away slowly before turning around and walking fast paced into the house and straight to the kitchen.
I quickly spotted her and wasted no time in heading over.
"Oliviaaaaa." She slurred, gripping onto my shoulders for support.
"Hey Kayla, can I have the keys?" I asked, laughing at her drunken state.
"Yeah here." She replied, slightly loudly, passing me then out of her pocket.
"Thanks, do you have a way of getting home?"
"Yeah, Jackson's friend isn't Drinking and he can drive us home." She replied, hugging me.
I wrapped my arms around her back, smiling to myself. I got lucky with my friends.
"Okay" I said letting go, "get home safe."
"Will do."
With that, I made my way back out of the party, to lily.
"Hey I've got the keys let's go." I said when I saw her."
"Mmkay." She mumbled, following me to my best friends car.
Is she okay? I'll ask her about it In the car.

Once we were ready to drive, I pulled out from the side of the road and headed to Lily's house.
I looked briefly to my side, to see lily avoiding my gaze.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, concern laced in my voice.
She looked down slightly, before looking back up. "Yeah, just tired. Been a long day."
I nodded my head, I didn't really believe her, but I knew not to press. As I quickly looked at her again, I noticed her sad expression and quickly put my gaze back on the road. I debated whether to reach over and put my hand on her knee, but I didn't think that would be right.

Once we got to her house, we said goodbye and she thanked me for driving her home.
I waited a second on her drive making sure she got in to her house before driving off back to my house.

The next morning I woke up surprisingly early, meaning I was ready for my shift at the book shop ages before I was supposed to be. I slowly cycled there, savouring the fresh air against my skin. I let my thoughts wander to last night, I didn't understand why Lily was still with Ryan. Does she not know she's worth so much more than that? I shook my head to myself, as I slowed down and turned into the alley by the book shop, leaning the bike against the wall.

I walked into the shop, seeing darcy sat behind the till. I smiled and greeted her, picking up the Box of books that needed to be shelved. It was always quiet on weekends, despite that being the opposite for most the shops around town. I quietly shelved the books, occasionally reading the back of them when they looked interesting.
I heard the bell ring, signalling that the door to the shop has been opened. I didn't bother looking, and continued putting the books up.
As I was about to put the next book on the shelf I heard a soft female voice behind me.
I turned around having recognised the voice.
"Hey, lily." I replied, briefly scanning my eyes over what she was wearing, She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a brown flannel shirt with a white t shirt underneath it, and a pair of light blue mom jeans. Her hair was tied loosely into a messy bun and she was wearing her wire glasses. I found myself staring at them for a second, I liked her in glasses, she looked pretty. I don't even know why she'd wear contacts.
I met her eyes, she was looking at me with a shy smile, her cheeks were a light shade of pink and she looked slightly flustered. I guess she caught me checking her out, but why is she blushing?
She cleared her throat after we had been staring at each other for too long.
I laughed, looking at the floor briefly before looking back up and meeting her eyes once again.
She was still blushing.
"Anyways, what can I help you with?" I asked, smiling, putting down the book that was still in my hand.
"I just wanted to come and thank you again for taking me home yesterday. You didn't have to so I appreciate it."
"It's okay, I wasn't feeling the party anyways. Have you spoken to Ryan?"
"No..." she started, breaking eye contact with me. "He hasn't text me or anything yet."
I would treat her so much better than this.
"Oh I'm sorry." I apologised on behalf of my brother. He's such a dick. "Can I ask you something?"
"there's probably so many other people that would want to be with you, so why him?"
She bit her lip. Damn, I love it when she does that. When she didn't respond for a while I panicked. "Im sorry if I overstepped I shouldn't have asked." I said, trying to break the silence.
"No it's okay" she started, she looked like she was thinking. "When we first met, he was everything I wanted in a boy, he treated me well, took me out and everything that a boy should do. And then we became official, I don't know, he just changed."
She looked sad and my heart broke for her.
I remembered a tweet I had seen saying that the key to a good relationship was to treat them as if you were still trying to get them. Ryan obviously failed at that. I've realised from Ryan's previous relationships, he finds a pretty girl, he chases her, he gets her, he gets bored and he just doesn't care anymore. Pretty shitty if you ask me.
"I guess he's just different when in a relationship."
"So why are you still with him? I mean, I know full well if you were mine I'd treat you so much better than he does."
I looked down at her and she bit her lip again, slightly blushing at the comment about her being mine. I wish..
"He's a dick, and you deserve better. I don't care if he's my brother, I'd happily show you how you should be treated, any day of the week." I said, making sure to catch her eyes, and keep her gaze. I saw her eyes widen slightly and a smile slowly spread onto her face.
"What're you trying to do Olivia?" She asked, still smiling at me.
"Nothing." I reply playing dumb. "Just trying to make a pretty girl realise her worth." I continued, leaning down slightly and smirking.
"And if you ever do want to see what it's like to be treated how you deserve, text me." I said quietly, watching as her breath stopped for a second. I leaned away again, and continued shelving the books.
I saw her shake her head from the corner of my eye and rub the back of her neck.
"I'm going to go now." She said, waiting for my reply before leaving.
"Okay, bye lily." I replied, "and hey, I was being serious by the way, text me."
She smiled at me before walking out of the shop.

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