Part 13

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I hadn't stopped thinking about my interaction with lily since it had happened. Why had I been so bold? But even more importantly, why had it seemed like she had liked it? I shouldn't even be thinking about her like this, I mean, she's my brothers girlfriend. It should be so wrong yet, somehow I feel like it's right. I feel like I want to know her, and I'm constantly wanting to see her. I furrow my eyebrows. Shit. I like my brothers girlfriend.

I mean, how could I not? She's sweet, kind, funny not to mention absolutely gorgeous. This is not good. Ryan already hates me, and now I like his girlfriend. Although, she does deserve better... i heard my phone buzz. I sat up on my bed and picked up my phone.
Me and lily are going to a club, mum says I have to take you or I can't go.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. My mum was constantly trying to get me and Ryan to reconnect, but it was no use. I don't blame her though, what kind of mum wants to see her children hate each other. Usually I would've just ignored this message but my mind travelled back to the brown haired girl that was occupying my head most the time. I guess I'll go..
My phone buzzed again
Are you coming or not, we r outside hurry tf up
I quickly put a simple, yet attractive outfit on and went outside. As I opened the door I saw Ryan and Lily stood there together waiting for me.
"Ok let's go." Ryan said as he started to walk off down the road. We lived close to the centre so it wasn't a long walk until we got to all the clubs bars and shops.
I shook my head at him, why was it so hard to accept someone.
I looked to my side and almost instantly my stomach flooded with butterflies, and a soft smile made its way onto my face. I couldn't stop it if I tried.
"Hey" I replied. She had this look in her eyes but I couldn't tell what it was.
We walked next to each other, with Ryan in front of us by at least 10 steps.
"Why's he in such a rush" I joked, looking at lily.
"God knows, probably because you're here."
I put my hand on my heart jokingly "damn, break my heart why don't you."
She laughed, and I swear I nearly melted.
"You have a cute laugh." I said when she had finished. She looked at me, doubting what I had said. "Really? Ryan says it's annoying." She said quietly.
"I like it."
I saw a light blush on her cheeks and I smiled to myself. God, I wish this girl was with me.
We continued walking until we got the club.

Once we were in there I instantly wanted to leave, so busy and drunk. I watched Ryan instantly find his friends and walk over to them. Lily looks hesitant to leave, and as she's about to I gently grab her hand.
"You don't have to go over there you know." I shout over the music. " realistically he probably is not going to even notice you're gone so you can just come chill with me if you want."
A look of hurt flashes across her face for a second, before she shakes her head at my offer and walks off to find Ryan.
Ok then.
I go to the bar and grab myself a drink, before going up the stairs and into the quieter area.
I sit down in a far corner and get my phone out , scrolling through tiktok. What a surprise my whole for you page is lesbian couples. My mind instantly goes straight back to lily.
I sit there, completely forgetting about my phone, thinking about a girl, who is still my brothers girlfriend. What the fuck.
I was still lost in thought when I hear a chair slide and see someone sitting down the other side of my table.
"You were right, he won't even notice I'm gone."
I looked up and met the green eyes of lily.
"Who needs him anyways?" I replied trying to lighten her mood. "He can go do what he wants while you have way more fun up here with his sister."
She smiled, a grateful look in her eyes.
I thought for a moment before thinking of something to do.
"Let's play 21 questions."
"We aren't 15 liv." She laughed, questioning my choice. All my mind had registered from that was that she had called me liv. It was cute.
"So? I want to get to know you" I replied.
"Why?" She asked, "I'm your brothers girlfriend"
She didn't say it in a rude way, more of a genuine question.
"Do I need a reason?" I asked back " all I know about you is that you work at the cafe just down the road from the book shop, you have green eyes and youre pretty."
"How'd you remember that?" She asked, raising her eyebrows slightly. "Wait you think I'm pretty?"
I laughed " I don't know I just remember you said it at dinner with my parents and yes, I think you're pretty."
We both laughed and she shook her head
"Fine, 21 questions." She said, leaning back in her chair.

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