Part 24

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Olivia's pov

We sat down at our table after being led through the restaurant.
"This is a really nice place." Lily said, looking nervously around, and then down at her outfit.
"Am I underdressed?"
"Lily, you look fine." I said, smiling reassuringly at her.
We scanned through the menu after ordering our drinks, figuring out what to order.
"What're you getting?" I asked, looking up from my menu to look at her. She looked so concentrated, scanning the menu with her eyes.
"I think I'm going to get the linguine." She said, her eyes meeting mine. "What about you?"
"I was thinking that or the pork."

After we decided, the waiter came over and we ordered. I watched as he stared down at Lily's cleavage the whole time she was ordering.
I clenched my jaw and let it slide, not wanting to make anything awkward, and lily hadn't noticed.
After he had left, i spoke. "I don't like him."
"Why?" A confused look came onto her face as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"He was staring at your chest the whole time he was here."
Lily looked down and placed her hand at the top of her dress, closing the gap between her skin and the fabric.
She looked uncomfortable, and I hated it. It's how she had looked when I had walked in on her and Ryan that night.
"We can leave if you want?" I asked, looking at her.
"No it's okay, it just makes me uncomfortable that's all." She replied, nervously fiddling with the ring on her right hand.
I put my hand over hers, rubbing my thumb on it. "If you want to leave at any point we can, I won't be mad." I said softly "and if you want me to call him out on it I can do that too."
"Thank you." She said, smiling at me.

"Yeah I agree, jealousy is attractive but not on an extreme scale."
"I" she was cut off by the waiter, placing a plate down in front of me.
"For you." He said, and I thanked him and watching him carefully as he placed Lily's down.
"And for you, gorgeous."

I squeezed her hand as she looked up at me, the discomfort clear on her face. Other hand was placed on her chest again, covering the gap. "Can I get you anything else?" He asked, aiming his words more at her.
"No we are alright thank you." Lily said, politely, despite the circumstances.
"Alright, enjoy. If you need anything just give me a shout." He said, while winking at Lily and walking away.
"What the fuck" I said, watching him angrily as he walked away. "This is why I hate men."
I turned to look at lily, her expression still uncomfortable. "Are you sure you don't want to leave?"
"No it's okay, we'll just eat and then get out of here."

The meals were delicious, despite being served to us by a dickhead. After we'd finished, I quickly went to the toilet, leaving lily alone at the table.

I washed my hands, dried them, and walked out. My pace quickened when I saw the waiter standing at our table his hand on the back of Lily's chair. "Can we get our bill please." I said, not sitting down just yet. The man turned around, almost startled that I'd come back.
"Yep sure." He looked back at lily and then at me. "Are you splitting it?"
"Yeah please." Lily said, looking at me, going to get her money out her purse.
"Nah I've got it, don't worry about splitting it."
I said, sitting back down.
"Okay." The waiter said, walking away.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she was staring at me in a way Ive seen a few times.
"Yeah I just.." she paused, "I haven't been on a date and have them pay for a long time. It's just nice." She smiled shyly "thank you."
I smiled back, "no problem, I asked you on the date, I pay. Plus the people you were with obviously don't know how to be chivalrous." I said, trying to sound posh at the end. She laughs and the sight sends butterflies straight into my stomach.
"Here's your bill."

I look up, the waiter is standing there holding our bill. He puts it down on the table and stands there, waiting for us to pay it.
I try and smile politely, but fail miserably, as I see him, once again, staring at Lily's ass as she stands up.
"I'm going to the toilet quickly before we leave." She says, turning to me and smiling.
"I'll be just here." I reply, putting my smile back on.

I watch her walk away, before turning to the man beside me. He's scanning over her body as she walks.
"You look at her like that again, and I will break your nose." I say quietly, but angrily enough for him to realise I will go through with it.
"Will you now?" He says, smirking disgustingly at me. "I call bullshit."
I laugh in disbelief. Watching as he smirks with satisfaction. He really thinks he ate.
"Listen." I say sternly "I know she's gorgeous, and I know everything about her is literally perfect, but I also know you have no chance with her, especially not when she knows that you look at women like that. So take your tiny dick and fuck off."
He clenches his jaw and stands upright, just as lily gets back. "Thank you." She says looking at him, "ready?" She directs this at me and I nod. Putting on a sarcastic smile for the manky little man next to me.

We walk away, and I gently grab her waist and direct her in front of me, so the waiter, if he was still looking, wouldn't be able to see anything.

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