Part 14

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I smiled, "you first"
"Favourite food?" She asked.
"Simple questions?" I asked "boring. Anyways probably sushi."
"Don't worry, the hard questions will come Eventually. I've never had sushi."
I shook my head at that.
"Ok my turn, what's your type?"
"Wouldn't you like to know " she replied humorously.
Yes, yes I would.
"tall, brunette, blue eyes." As she was saying all this our eyes never left each other's. A part of me felt that maybe This was directed at me, but the other knew that it was also pretty much a  description of Ryan.
"Anything else?" I asked, wanting her to say more.
"when they can actually make me.."
my eyes went wide. I had not expected that. She didn't need to finish the sentence, I knew what she meant.
Not as innocent as I thought then i see.
I recovered from my surprise and plastered a smirk onto my face.
"Ryan doesn't do that for you I take it?"
"Let's just say he doesn't last too long."
I scoffed. Not surprising really.
"Well, you know where to find me." I said winking at her.
I watched as her jaw dropped slightly and a light pink blush took over her cheeks.
Our eye contact never broke as I felt a desire I hadn't properly felt for lily before, and I could tell she felt the same by the way her eyes had darkened. I watched as she bit her lip, still not moving her eyes off mine. Fuck. This was a different side of her I hadn't seen before.
In that moment, I decided no matter what it took, I would make this girl mine.
We heard a thud from the stairs and our eyes left each other's to look what it was, it was Ryan. Him and a girl had stumbled up the stairs and were now... making out?
What the fuck.
I watched as he pushed the girls against the wall and she ran her fingers through his hair.
What the actual fuck.
I tore my eyes away from them to look at Lily, wanting to see if she's okay. She sat watching them, her eyes slightly watery and a sad frown on her perfect face.
I was fuming. How the fuck could he even do this. Without thinking I stood up from my chair, pushing it back with a loud screech and storming over to them. I bet he didn't even care. When I reached them I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him off the blonde girl he was kissing and punched him. Hard. In the face. He stumbled back, the girl he was kissing gasping.
"What the fuck you bitch." She said, looking at me.
"He has a girlfriend." I simply said, her mouth forming into an o shape.
"Shit I am so sorry." I nodded and gestured for her to leave, and she did.
"What the fuck Olivia." Ryan shouted, his nose bleeding.
"You have a fucking girlfriend Ryan. She treats you so well and you go and do this." He starts towards me but I move out the way.
"I knew you were a dick ever since you stopped talking to me, but damn Ryan, I thought you were better than this. I guess I was fucking wrong.."
I felt Lily appear beside me and I instinctively put my arm out in front of her. Who knows what Ryan will do when he sees her.
"Lily baby." He says, trying to grab her hand.
"No ryan. We're done, don't fucking talk to me. I tried so hard with you, but I got nothing in return. Don't call me, don't text me or try and talk to me in any way." She shouts, her voice breaking slightly, tears rolling down her cheeks. And with that, she walked off down the stairs, with me following behind. She might not want to be near me right now but I needed to make sure she was going to be okay.
"Lily wait." I called as we got out of the club.
She stopped walking, and turned around. I could see her breaking down right in front of me, and my heart broke for her. I quickly walked forward and pulled her into me, wrapping my hands tightly around her shoulders.

After we had stood there for a good 5 minutes she let go.
"I want to go home." She whispered, looking at the floor.
I couldn't help but lift my hand to cup her face and wipe the tears that were still on it. She leaned into my hand and closed her eyes briefly.
"Come on let's get you home."

I called and Uber, which came surprisingly quickly, and told the driver Lily's address. Once we got there we both got out and I walked her to the door.
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked, still worried.
"Yeah.." she muttered, avoiding my eyes.
I could tell she wasn't.
"Just say the words and I'll stay." I whispered. I didn't want to stay because I knew her and Ryan had just broken up and I wanted to make a move on her, I wanted to stay because I knew she needed someone. I had no intentions of making any moves while she was like this.
She looked up at me and met my eyes, bursting into tears again.
"Please Stay."
"That's all I needed to hear." I said softly, taking the keys out of her shaky hand and unlocking the door for her. She silenced her crying as we walked through her house, being careful not to wake her parents. When we got to her room, she quietly closed the door, leaning against it and running her hand through her hair.
"You want to talk about it?" I asked, debating whether that was a stupid question or not.
"Yeah if you don't mind." I shook my head, gesturing for her to continue.
"I just, I knew that he didn't treat me right but I was willing to move past that and give him another chance. I didn't think he'd cheat on me though. I still haven't even processed it all." She said, "I mean he was kissing another girl and then you punched him and then I broke up with him. Wait, you punched him! Is your hand okay?" She asked, walking over to me and gently grabbing my hand and inspecting my slightly bruised knuckles. "You shouldn't have done that, he could've hurt you." She whispered, her soft green eyes looking straight into mine now.
I shook my head, smiling, how could she be worrying about me right now.
"Just worry about yourself right now, okay?"
I looked at the clock on her wall, realising it was late.
"You should probably get some sleep, it's late and you've had a rough day."
"Yeah I agree."
"Where should I go? I can sleep on the floor or something?"
"I have a double bed"

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