Part 21

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Lily's pov

As we walked out of Archie's room, I couldn't help a smile come on to my face. I looked at Olivia, who was now turning round to face me.
"Why're you looking at me like that?" She asked, Quietly.
"You were really good with him." I replied. It was different to how people I'd brought home had been with Archie before. They usually acted uninterested and just Ignored him, including Ryan. Ryan payed no attention to Archie when he was at my house, and even told me he was annoying and to tell him to stop bothering us.
"Maybe I'll start coming round just to see him" Liv said, shrugging.
I looked back at her and faked hurt.
"What about me?" I asked, putting a hand on my heart.
"Eh, I'll be too busy playing trains to see you."
I laughed, shaking my head.
"Come on." I said, walking into my room, gesturing for her to follow.

"I was actually going to leave now that my best friend is asleep." Olivia said, as I closed the door to my bedroom.
I gave her a playful push, "shut up." I said, while laughing.
She grabbed my arm that I pushed her with and gently pulled me in, placing her hands on my waist.
"You know I'm only joking." She said softly. "He is cool though."
I let my arms wrap loosely around her neck as I tucked my head into her chest.
"Yeah he is." I whispered, "thank you for being so good with him though."
"Don't thank me, I mean why would I be a dick to a six year old." She said, pulling me against her more.
"That's what Ryan did"
"I'm not surprised to be honest." She mumbled against the top of my head, before loosening her grip on me. I looked up at her, meeting her eyes which were already looking at me.
"I'm happy you're not with him anymore."
"You are?"
"Yeah. It was kinda hard having feelings for someone who was with my brother. Especially when I knew you weren't being treated as well as I could treat you."
I felt butterflies in my stomach, the kind that you feel when your 15 and your crush holds your hand.
"You have feelings for me?" I ask, looking up and smiling almost shyly.
"Was that not already obvious?" She asked, smiling back. "Yes I do."
I bit my lip to suppress the smile threatening to show, failing miserably.
She rolled her eyes amusingly and let go of me, walking over to my bed and flopping down onto it.
"You want to watch a film?" I ask her, sitting down next to her, under the covers.
"Yeah sure." She says, lifting herself up and getting under the covers too.
"I forgot how comfy your bed is." She mutters lying her head back on the pillows.
"Don't fall asleep." I say, gently prodding her cheek. "We need to pick a movie."

After ten minutes mindlessly scrolling through Netflix we settled on a film. After about twenty minutes of it, I felt Olivia put her arm around my shoulder, and I leaned into her. I rested my head on her chest, and felt her hand trace lines on my arm. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, forgetting about the film playing.
I felt comfort and safety when I was with her, I felt cared for and wanted. Which was what I thought I felt with Ryan but now I realise I never did. I felt myself drifting off to the feeling of comfort, and the gentle hand that was still tracing my arm, and the kiss that was being placed on my head.

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