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Giving you guys one final chapter because I wanted to promote my new story but it felt mean to do a whole new chapter just to say "go read my new book"
So please do go read it, it's gxg and I think it's going to be pretty good!! Thank you x

Lily's pov

"Mummy!" I heard a little girls voice shout, as quick footsteps approached me from behind.
"Can we please put our stockings up now?"
I turned around and smiled at the girl in front of me.
"Of course baby." I replied as Olivia walked in holding stockings in one hand, and our son Harry in the other.
Harry was turning two in a few months, and our daughter Sadie had just turned four.
Olivia put down Harry next to me and crouched down, giving Sadie her stocking.
She gave a little squeal of excitement and tried to reach up to hang her stocking.
"Nearly there, sades." Olivia said from beside me. My eyes left Sadie for a second and met with Olivia's. She had a hand on Harry's back stopping him from falling as he stood wobbling a little bit.
She looked as gorgeous as ever, and in the eight years that we've been together she hasn't changed a bit. Not to mention that she still looks at me like I'm the best thing in the world, although I do think I lost the place of the person she loved most the day our kids were born. She's genuinely the best parent ever, and seeing her with our children makes me fall even more in love with her.
She smiled at me, the same way that she's done all these years, and I returned it.
Eventually, Sadie gave up trying and Olivia had to lift her. Another squeal of excitement left her and she hugged Harry, before jumping around, shouting about how Santa was coming tonight. We put a stocking up for Harry and then made some hot chocolate, putting a generous amount of whipped cream on the top, which Sadie was very happy about.

Olivia and I watched as Harry drank his milk, and Sadie sipped her hot chocolate, a bit of cream in her nose.
I felt an arm around my shoulders, and I instantly melted into it.
"Hi baby." She mumbled as she kissed my head.
"Hey Liv"
I looked up at her and she smiled, before taking another look at the kids.
"Im so happy I met you."
"I'm so happy you met me too." I reply, and I smile contently, thinking about the life we've created with each other.

After we put them to bed, Olivia and I quietly placed all the presents under the tree, trying our best to stay as silent as possible. Once we finished, we walked to our room, gently shutting the door behind us.
"I have something for you." Olivia said, as she gently pulled me closer to her by my waist.
After all these years she still makes my knees weak.
"I have something for you too." I reply, leaning up and kissing her. She pulls me closer and I lean back, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.
"You can wait for tomorrow or you can have it now?" She says, as we pull apart, "there's obviously more than one thing but there's one I really want to give you."
"Actually screw that your having it now." She quickly lets go of me and goes to her side of the bed, bending down and going underneath it quickly before pulling out a box. She gestures for me to come sit with her as she puts the box on the bed.
I sit down, looking at the medium sized black box in front of me, and I almost feel like a kid again.
I gently pull the tab on the side of the box, which pulls out a drawer in the box.
Inside there's multiple Polaroids, and printed photos, ranging from when we first met to two weeks ago.
"Every photo has something written on the back of it." She says, picking one up and turning it over, showing me the writing on the back.
"You will forever be the sweetest person I've ever met." I say, looking at her and smiling brightly.
"Good." She replies with a shrug, moving the box and taking its place next to me.
"Hey! I didn't even get to look at them!" I say, protesting, but she laughs.
"You can look at them later." She mumbles, pulling me onto her lap and kissing me. My knees rest on the bed either side of her and my hands tangle in her hair.
"I love you." I whisper into her ear before trailing kisses softly down her neck.
"I love you too." She replies, moving backwards onto the bed, so that she's lying down and my hands are either side of her head. She flips us over so she's on top, and gently grabs my chin, forcing me to look her right in the eyes.
"Don't wake the kids up." She says, as she pins my hands above my head with her other hand.
"I'll try." I reply, before closing my eyes and letting her take control.

Things with Olivia are never boring, and I know that until the day I die I will love her, and our family with everything I have. She's my person, my soulmate even, and I wouldn't want to ever live a day without her. She taught me self worth, and raised my standards higher than anyone else ever could and I thank her for that every day. I'll forever be completely and utterly helplessly in love with her because how could I not be. So for anyone out there right now, doubting if you're getting treated right, wondering if you could be getting more. You could be. Don't settle for the bare minimum when you can get so much more. You deserve more. Go Find your Olivia, She's out there.

Thank you for reading!
Remember, your Olivia is waiting for you I'm sure of it. Please do go read my new story it's gxg and if you like this story then you'll like that!
Thank you!! X

My Brothers Girlfriend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now