chapter 25

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Danni's POV-

"What did I just do, I wanted to avoid her! Not to go shout at her." I say as I lay in allys arms.

"I know baby.. i know."

"Danni... i might of told her you were talking to ally.." anni says sheepishly while staying in the living room door.

"Its okay, I told her myself but i told her that we are dating and itd true I was going to tell you Friday but linda passed so I didn't." I tell her not wanting her to hear it from someone else.

"I kinda guessed why would she come with us when she has work, let all running a whole business. Now I didn't get much snacks because if your ex so one of you take me to get food."

"I'll take her, you get some wine and to glasses, then pick a movie and we will all chill. And me and  anni will go get is a bunch of snacks and her some non alcoholic drinks." Ally says as she gets out from under me.

"My purse is on the kitchen side-"

"No need I can get it. Now get some wine and comfy clothes."

And with that they both leave and I'm left  on my own.

Yes I'm dating my boss but in my defense I didn't know she was my boss until a week of just talking and going on 2 dates.

Shes kind and caring, she makes me feel safe.

I get up and grab my phone sending Emma a message telling her to tell Jessica that I'm sorry for snapping.

She messaged back saying she tell her but she understands and if I need her she'll come over tomorrow while jess  is still asleep.

I take the alone time I have and let myself to cry before I have to toughen up for anni.

The next time after this that I will have to break down will be tonight in bed but I'll be with ally so this is the only alone time I will get.

Jessica's POV-

I was just laying in my old room.

"Mum?!" I shout out just needing her to come cuddle me.

"Yeah baby?" She asks as she walks into my room.

"Can you lay with me?"

"Ofcourse I can sweetie." She says as she climbs into my bed then pulls me into a hug.

We lay there in silence for a little, until I decide to finally tell her what I'm thinking.

"I broke up with her, ignored all her calls and only cared when her last voicemail was that she was done waiting for me. That was 2 years ago! She waited two years and here I am upset about her being happy. Am I a horrible person?"

"Baby...your are not a horrible person for hurting, what would make yo a bad person is of you go and break up her relationship so there is a chance to get her back. The best thing you can do is try to move on." She says as she plays with my hair.

"I know I just I want to be with her and I feel so bad for wanting her back."

"I know... baby. I know. What I dont know is, why did you break up with danni?"

"When we were both in university, she was so happy there she had lots of friends and she was doing good in school. I just felt like one day she was going to realise that doesn't need me so I left her before she could leave me. I think I was so used to her  needing me all the time that when she didn't.."

"You felt like you had no place?"


"Well, I'm not going to say your feelings are not valid but that girl loved you deeply and your place was 2nd most important after anni."

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