chapter 28

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Danni's POV-

It's been a week since we fully moved back to my childhood house.

Anni started at the high school I went to on Monday and it's now Wednesday day, shes actually enjoying it more than I thought she would which is amazing.

Ally has turned up almond everyday since we left but I would just ignore her pleas to talk.

On the bright side, me and Jessica are friends again. I still have no idea why she broke up with me in the first place but that's the past and I need to move on.

Talking about Jessica shes went back to her apartment, so she isn't right across the road anymore.

Anyway back to what's happening.

Since anni Is at school I decided to decorate her room as it's still looking like a 8 year olds room.

She hasn't complained at all, she doesn't complain alot anyway. She knows I'm trying my best and I love how understanding she is.

So I'm got everything I would need to decorate her room yesterday and I'm going to try get it done today. If not I'll trick her into having a movie sleep over with me so she doesn't go in there.

The doorbell goes off so I quickly run down stairs and open the door to see Jessica standing there.

"Jess? I thought you would have work? Its 9am on a Thursday." I ask as I let her come in.

"I have the day off because I wanted to help you decorate."

"You really didn't have to-"

"Its nothing don't worry, it'll get her room done quicker with us both working."

"Okay, thank you." I reply, giving her a soft smile and heading up to Anni's empty room.

We get everything painted and put back into place within 5 hours.

Now all that's left is to put the last bits of decorations up.

"We have an hour and a half left, do you want to stop and get something to eat?" I ask her as she moves the chair back over to the small desk.

"That sounds good." She smiles before walking up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"I've missed hanging out with you and I'm so thankful that we are friends."

We would still be dating if you didn't just randomly dump me.

Okay maybe I'm still a bit bitter, but can you blame me?!

"Yeah, me too."

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door before it just opened.

"What the fuck?" I mutter before grabbing the paint can opener before slowly walking down the stairs.

"Emma?! What the fuck. You cant just walk in I thought someone was here to kill us." I sigh in relief when I see it's just emma.


"Your daughter came to help me decorate anni's room. Shes hiding up there right now." I laugh before calling for Jessica that it's just her mum.

"Hey mum." Jessica says as she walks down the stairs and pulls her mum into a hug.

"Jess, why are you not a work?" She asks with the typical raised eyebrow mum look.

"I took the day off to help danni decorate anni's room." She shrugs as I awkwardly excuse myself to make something for us to eat.

Once I had made 3 sandwiches, two plain ham ones and one with ham, lettuce and may for Jessica.

I place down  all the sandwiches infront of who it is for before sitting down myself.

"You remembered?" Jessica asks pretty shocked.

"Remembered what?" I asked with a small laugh. "That you dont like plain ham sandwiches so you have lettuce with it but it's too dry so you like mayo with it."

"I want to know how you remember it? I'm her mother and sometimes I forget." Emma speaks up, not helping my case at all.

"Its not a big deal, I remembered a small detail what do you expect we dated for 2 almost 3 years." I shrug off like its nothing but really I'm still hurt and confused about why she dumped me.


"Jess really its nothing, you probably remember small details about me. Now eat your sandwich."I sigh not really up to having this conversation especially with emma here.

Sorry it's not a long chapter but I had no clue what to do in this chapter. I just need a couple chapters that lead up to something happening so there might be a couple more short chapters coming.

Not proof read
756 words.

The Bad Girl- under editing Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang