Chapter 97

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In which the System Torments the Protagonists: My Wife is My Life! Chapter 97:

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Chapter 97

It ’s also quite a coincidence. The week before Ji Qingqing and Lu Lixing ’s wedding, the TV series “One Step in the World” was broadcast. Two episodes were broadcast daily, and a satellite TV was solo. Now it has been released in the eighteenth episode.

The film "One Step in the World" is the film that Ji Qing went to the film and television city after crossing through. In the first ten episodes, Ji Qing is a carefree girlfriend, but has been repeatedly used by the male lead. Although the role of the play is small, but the role is quite sucking powder, many audiences in the topic of the show about her topic.

Ji Qing also occasionally glanced, mainly because there were no previous bad words, and the praises seemed more comfortable.

Coincidentally, the day before her wedding, "Let's Fall in Love" was also broadcast on the TV.

On the day the variety show was broadcast, the ratings were high. Although the audience knew that three of them were acting, before the show was broadcast, some pictures of the live room had been released, but still could not stop the audience Passion.

Ji Qing, who had just appeared on the TV, was once again pushed to search.

One is that the plot of the TV series has reached the point where Ji Qingruan's daughter is used by the male lead and the family is ruined.

The second is Ji Qing's interaction with Lu Lixing in the variety show. It is extremely natural and sweet. Some people look at Ji Qing and Lu Lixing's eyes when they look at each other. The intimate actions of the two when they interact with each other are animated. A pair of good-looking couples, a few seconds of moving pictures make many people excited and shouting sweet!

Three, Ji Qing's wedding with Lu Lixing started, less than 36 hours.

# Deducting money and deceiving and cheating, Ji Qinghao is so miserable #

# 暗恋 吗? The kind of object that killed your family #

# 纪 轻 陆 励 行 甜! #

# 纪 轻 陆 励 行 婚纱 [比 心] #

Four hot topics were on the hot search list, ranking ninth, twelfth, twenty-third, and third, respectively.

Ji Qingwei successfully became the most sensational actress on Weibo in this week. The topic of Ji Qingwei is everywhere on the homepage, and the marketing account is also reproduced in crazy. Of course, there are also people who sing contradictions for Bo's eyeballs, and will be slightly black history Turning around, the lines are full of sarcasm.

To this end, Ji gently posted a Weibo.

Ji Qingwei: Thank you all for your blessings. I've done too many immature things in the past, and I'm sorry about that, I'm sorry to everyone who has been hurt by me. The sky is high and the sea is wide, I hope everyone is happy.

This Weibo has been reprinted insanely.

In the past, the stars who were arrested by Ji Qing gently for the scandal gave their wedding wishes. Many black fans who said they were incompatible with Ji Qing were reprinted and commented.

Happy Mango: Finally know you are wrong? Don't pull my house cp hype in the future!

Happy Mango: # 纪 轻 陆 励 行 甜! # 甜 啊! !! !! You two lock me up! Keep me sweet! !! !!

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