Your Lens Are Created For You!

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As A Kid Remember Those Days Of Trying On Your Friends Glasses Trying To See If You Could See Out Of Them? Then all your eyes seen was a big blur & it almost hurt your eyes to look at so you hurried up & took the glasses off right? We'd say things like "Your Blind" but Was Your Friend Blind Or Were Your Eyes Not Equipped For Your Friends Vision?

Sometimes We Share Our Visions With The People Around Us & When They Give Us Their Opinions It Sometimes Throws Us Off & Causes Us To Double Down On Our Visions Or Completely Give Up On Our Visions and Goals Completely. I Want To Challenge You To Trust In The Vision That You See Because God Has Created Your Lens And Specialized Them Just For You.

        A lot Of Times Before I send Designs Out To The World I Send Them To My Friends & Family Member's For Feedback. I remember a time when I had just got starting making graphic designs I showed a family of my mines what I had made & their Response was "It's kind of basic & Do you think people would be into those kinds of designs realistically". This almost Crushed me. Here I was so confident in the vision I had with my clothing line but someone so close to me doubted that the vision I had would sustain. For a while it baffled me & made me feel like what I was doing wasn't going to have longevity. Yet I was still inspired & I Still believed in my vision. So I kept at it & Boom it took off and it was then that I realized "Just Because Someone is Blinded To Your Purpose You Can't Let It Make Your Worthless".

Even me , I've been weary in my own visions. Sometimes I would be working at something & just think it's ugly or don't see how what I have in front of me could turn into something the world would love. Then I started to think about the days in elementary school when the art teacher would bring out the big plastic bag of the square clay & she would cut each everyone there own square. Then you had to wet it to be able to mold into the shape or pot you wanted it to be but apart of molding was the ugly stage. The stage when you got your hands dirty to build your foundation.

Then the clay would be placed in the kettle to be burned & even when it comes out it can be dusty and still have an ugly look to it but once you gloss it. Once your eyes are whipped clear you will see and understand why you had to get your hands dirty. The ugly stage of things is what builds you. Pushes you to work harder at your gift.

   A lot Of Times We Build Our Dreams off of what we see others do & think because we see the results of doing it this way or that way but we don't trust in OUR WAY. The pathway to success doesn't just have a one way road & if it did we all would be doing the same thing & there would be no individuality but because God Has Created Us All Different So there's a need for each and every lane we create as individuals.

       As A Young Black Entrepreneur I Started this business with no bank savings , no money invested I just had a vision & I knew I'd make it happen. So when doing my research I've realized That Buying The Kind of products that I wanted to sell in bulk would be very expensive & at the time I was only 15 working one day a week at local grocery store only bringing home $45 dollars to my name. I didn't want to ask anyone for money or anything like that so I kept doing research & I found a vendor app that allows to buy the product Individually & Sold As If You were shopping with an online store. So I choose that Avenue & it works for me.

It does suck that I don't carry on hands & people often compare me to another major black owned business in my local area about how he sells on hands & I don't. I never get upset about it because it's just another example that sometimes people can't see your vision & they don't know the details that go into making who you are or what you have to offer unique.

There has even been times where I have felt insecure about my business. Compared to what I seen around in the urban Street-ware industry I felt I was Ill-equipped. I didn't have the best software I was Creating off my phone. I didn't have a big printer , a laptop or heat press. I would often question whether I was doing the right thing. It wasn't until I was giving a friend relationship advice I told him you have to okay with people declining your soul food for McDonald's. It's a McDonald's on the corner of every street but only at my house will you find my mac & cheese the way I make. That's because I was created differently. Smart Sh*t Right? Look at me being the next Dr.Phil lol.... I started to apply this to my business mindset I started to tell myself not to compare myself to others because although what they have maybe easier & convenient I still have something to offer that is different from everyone else. My Dream & Vision Was Created Differently!

 My Dream & Vision Was Created Differently!

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