The Village isn't Just For The Child Or The Adult But The Business Too!

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Growing up as a Kid I always heard my aunt use the phrase "It takes a Village to raise a child" and that is a factual statement. When I was kid there was always a family Member who was willing to step in & help out with being there for me whenever need be. Although my parents are the main ones responsible for who I am and Who I'm becoming I can't forget the people that helped me , supported me , pushed me.

Growing a business is like maturing a baby. I remember in the beginning stages when my business was just an idea I would sit on the phone for hours with my cousin research Different ways for me to start my business. There was so many different things that he would point out or notice that I didn't even notice or thought mattered. Moments like earlier on made me realize you have to be appreciative to the people who are faithful to your vision.

One person who I'll always be thankful for when it comes to helping me spread the word about my business is my Dad. When I first started in 2017 just doing tie die & distressed with bleach. He would buy me the tie dye kits & let me stink the room up with bleach and then take them to his job and sell them for me. Then flash forward to 2020 when I started doing shirts again he would pick me up from school drive me to the mall to get the shirt made & then bring more business back. I appreciate the fact that he believed in what is was doing and supported me behind my back! You know how some people just tell you they support you but you don't feel it? When it came to my business my dad has been an unquestionable support system for me.

Even when we think of the people who have provided us with opportunities. If you know me yoy know I like nice things & I always would say I can't til I get a job so I can do this or I can do that. My Aunt Patrona Rowser was the first person to provide me with a job and to introduce me to entrepreneurship. Most people know her from doing hair & Her Event planning company "StayMonet Events". At 12 years old my aunt showed me what it was like to actually run a business. I saw her remain professional in unprofessional settings. I've seen her hard work and dedication to make things run smooth. I appreciate her giving me a look at what it's like being a boss. She's now offered my opportunities at her local Black owned Market That Would Be something similar to Black Wall Street.

Another person that provided me with a big opportunity was my big Cousin Tayon. He believed in my T-shirt line from the moment he heard about it. He supported it , gave me pointers and even when he & the rest of the "NFM" movement open a clothing and sneaker shop they gave me an opportunity to sell in their store.

I'm appreciative of the opportunities I've been giving by people who've supported me through the years.

I also appreciate the people in my village who have done business related favors for me. I used to have to deliver shirts to people So My Parents used to take me pick the shirts up , then drop them off and usually never asked for a dime. I appreciate those who saw the vision with me.

And My Aunt Janaya also did a promo shot for me! I really appreciate my village that helped me raise this baby!

This chapters mud tip is to hold your village , be appreciative of your village!

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