Activate! Activate! Activate!

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Now That You Have Read My Story , My Advice , My OutTake I hope you are inspired to run on & prosper!

This is now the time to get prepare your dream. These next 11 months of 2022 can either be your planning or your birthing season. Prepare your self for the all the things that could possibly come your way. Get a journal start to write your thoughts out & LESSSGOOOO.

Understand that your gift will seat your name in places that your face & feet haven't even touched yet! Be ready for when elevation comes because it's promised to us. Read Jeremiah 29:11 you'll see.

Just like in football after in beginning of a quarter a plan is put into action & you are instructed on where to stand , what posture to uphold , how to look. You might be doing a blitz play or you might just be running it. However the play is being played you just have to be ready because as soon as the ball is dropped in your hands , it is your job to make it to the end zone with the ball in your hand. You can't let it be fumbled nor intercepted. You have to push through every attack that's trying to hold you back. Now is the time, after reading this the ball is now being dropped in your hands. I'm looking to see entrepreneurs be birthed after this is released. I'm counting on you! Run on and see what the ends going to be!

Thank you for listening to me! Thank you for allowing my story to enter in your mind. I hope you learned something new. I hope this has helped you!

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