Chapter 3

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A couple of weeks pass and Y/N's friendships grow with the Avengers. Tony was able to convince Y/N to move into the room in the tower completely. Y/N was getting closer to everyone, even Loki. She was practically one with the gang.

Natasha and Y/N go on runs almost every morning before work and Y/N sometimes trains with Steve. Y/N and Tony's friendship grows the most. They always talk and the amount of movies they have watched together is uncountable. That is of course when Y/N has finished all her work, or is taking a break. She's always on top of the work for Tony Stark, even with the fun distractions all around.

"Tony, come over here." Natasha says grabbing him by the hand and pulls him into Steve's room.

"What's this all about. Are you going to kill me or something?" Tony says sarcastically. Natasha and Steve have been harassing him about asking Y/N out on a date or making some type of move.

"Tony you have to do something with Y/N. You're practically drool over her every meal and you guys are always hanging out." Natasha says.

"I agree with Nat. You obviously have a thing for her." Steve says who leans against the wall beside the door of his room.

"You know what, fine. And if she says no I get to leak the footage to the gang of you two-" Tony tries to say.

"Okay fine, whatever. I know for a fact she won't say no and if she does I will kill your before the video get out." Natasha interrupts with a smile causing Tony to chuckle.

Everyone goes back to breakfast which is being cooked by Clint and Bruce. "Y/N!" Natasha says loudly over everyone's chatting.

Y/N looks up from her book, she is reading quietly, sitting next to Loki who's reading as well. "Tony want to talk to you." Nat says.

Y/N hops off the couch where she is sitting and walks over. "What's up Tony?" She asks.

Tony elbows Natasha in the ribs causing her to groan quietly before Tony and Y/N walk out of the room and down the hall a bit.

"What do you want to talk about Tones?" Y/N asks again using Rhodey's nickname for him she's heard once or twice before.

Tony takes a deep breath and starts talking "I-I was wondering if you'd like to go-" Tony try's to say before he sees Natasha's and Steve's heads poking out of the common room watching them. "NATASHA ROMANOFF AND STEVE ROGERS, SCRAM!" Yells Tony. Their heads quickly disappear around the corner as they snicker to themselves. "I'm sorry Y/N." apologizes Tony.

"No, no, continue. What're you going to say?" Y/N asks calmly.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me." Tony asks finally closing his eyes hoping for a good answer.

A smile lights up on Y/N's face "I'd love to!"

"Really!" Tony says excitedly "I mean who wouldn't." Tony tries to say in a 'cooler' voice making Y/N laugh.

"How's tonight at 6:30 in the front lobby?" Asks Y/N bouncing on her heels excitedly.

"Sure, I'll plan everything." Tony says. "I'll see you then." Tony and Y/N walk back to the common room just in time because breakfast is being served. Y/N sit beside Loki and Tony sits between Nat and Steve.

"Your welcome." Natasha whispers to Tony as she sits down.

Tony rolls his eyes, "You safe for now, Romanoff."


It's 5:30 and there's an hour before Y/N's date with Tony and she has no idea what to wear. She is walking around her room that's now littered in clothes. There is a knock on her door catching her attention.

She opens the door to reveal Natasha. "Do you need help?" She asks peering around Y/N seeing all the clothes scattered.

"Yes please. It's been months since my last date."    Y/N says. "I'm desperate, I need your help."

"Okay let's see what you got." Nat says walking past her and starts to examine her closet and all the clothes and shoes around the room.

Finally after many outfits tried on and many shoes being thrown around the room, Natasha finds Y/N the perfect outfit. A beautiful yet casual, dark green pencil dress. They added a simple pair of black stilettos and a pearl necklace. Y/N's hair is let down resting on her shoulders slightly curled.

"You look perfect. Tony is going to be drooling over you all night." Natasha jokes.

"Thank you for your help." Y/N says giving her a hug.

"You owe me."

"I'll tell you how the date goes." Y/N offers.

"Good enough for me." Natasha laughs. Nat looks at the clock, "it's just about 6:30, get going." She pushes her to the door and opens it. "Go, go, go."

"I'm going jeez." Y/N says being shoved out the door. She heads down the elevator that leads to the lobby.

Tony is standing by the door nervously tapping his foot. He is wearing a black suit with a white tie, looking like a real gentleman.

He sees Y/N come out the elevator and he's in awe. "You look amazing, Y/N!" Tony compliments.

"Thank you Tony, you look amazing too."

"Are you ready to go?" Tony asks sticking out his arm for Y/N like a gentleman.

"Hell yeah!" Answers Y/N taking his arm in hers happily.

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