Chapter 24

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Tony wakes up with a nasty headache and immense thirst. He drags himself out of bed and to the kitchen looking for some much needed Advil.

He finds Y/N working over the stove making box pancakes.

"Hey Baby, how are feeling?" Y/N asks. Tony comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her.

"Horrible, how much did I drink last night?"

"Way to much. There's medicine on the island." Y/N says.

"Thanks." Tony move to the island and takes the pair of pills with a glass of water that's left out for him. He flops onto the couch and rests his sore eyes.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Y/N asks, putting the last of the pancakes onto a plate.

"Not really. Did I embarrass myself much?"

"Well you did lose a drinking competition against Nat, and you were screaming Bloody Mary at her. But I think that's the worst of it." Y/N laughs.

She hands a plate of pancakes to Tony and sits down beside him with her own plate. They eat and talk about last night before cleaning up.

They head down to the common room to say goodbye to Thor and Loki who are going back to Asgard for a little while.

"Hey Loki!" Y/N says coming up to his wrapping a friendly arm around him. "Good luck with the whole going back home thing. Have fun with that!" Y/N earns an eye roll from Loki.

"Actually Y/N, Loki had the idea of bringing you along. Let you see Asgard and meet our parents and friends!" Thor says. "As long as Tony's okay with it of course!"

"Your parents." Loki mutters earning him an elbow to the gut from Y/N.

"Don't look at me, this is all up to Y/N if she wants to go." Tony says shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course I want to go!" Y/N says excitedly "come on Tony, I gotta pack!" She grabs his arm and pulls him to her room.

She starts packing clothes and other needed things before Tony speaks up, "You know having all your stuff in here is a bit of a hassle."

"I don't mind it." Y/N says not looking up for her suitcase.

"What if you just moved all your stuff to my place?" Tony offers.

"Like move in with you?" Y/N asks looking up to him.

"I mean we technically live in the same building but yeah. How 'bout it?"

"Sure!" Y/N says running to Tony jumping into his arms. She kisses him passionately before resting her forehead on his, "We gotta pack."

"No, you have to pack." Tony jokes. They finish packing and Y/N uses her magic to float her suit case behind her and Tony as they go find Thor and Loki outside waiting to go home.

"Ready to go?" Thor asks.

"I think so!" Y/N says placing her suitcase down beside him. She turns to Tony "I'll only be gone for a couple of days, will you survive?"

"I think I'll do just fine." Tony says with a proud smile.

"Don't drink to much and make sure to sleep. Eat with everyone, you do need to be around people." She says. Y/N pulls him into a hug. "Remember I love you." She pulls away kissing him.

"I love you too, My Dear."

Y/N goes over to Bruce "and you..." she leans in and whispers to him "ask the scientist out, she'd be good for you."

Y/N skips to Thor and Loki grabbing onto her suitcase. "Ready to go?" Thor asks again.

"Yup!" She waves to everyone before the beam of light lifts her and the brothers off the ground. The feeling is weird, like every atom of her body is being pushed and pulled. They end up on Asgard and Heimdall is there to great them.

Another sweet filler chapter.

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