Chapter 6

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**Warning: detailed torture.**

Y/N wakes up slowly on a small cot. The only things in the cell is the bed and a clock on a wall above the heavy, metal door. There are no windows and the only bit of light comes from the small barred hole on the door; not even big enough for a hand to fit through.

Her body aches from the eventful day she had. She is still in the clothes she was kidnapped in but they are filthy and tore a bit. She sits up from her laying position and pulls her legs up to her chest to conserve heat.

The room isn't warm but thankfully not hypothermia cold. Just a damp cold that sends shivers down your spine.

Y/N can hear faint foot steps outside her door before it opens wide. Bright light flood into the room causing her to squint her eyes.

Four Hydra agents walk in, they are wearing full black outfits and masks hiding their identity. They come closer to Y/N.

"Stay back!" Y/N yells at them. Her hands fly out in front of her to protect her and the guard fly back getting hit with a red wave of energy.

Y/N quickly retracts her hands shocked by what she just did and not sure how she did it. Still in shock an agent sneaks up and jabs her in the arm with a tranquilizer causing her to fall unconscious in seconds as the drug floods into her blood stream.

The other agents stand up from the ground and pick up Y/N bringing her to a small interrogation room with a chair in the middle.


Steve punches out the last Hydra agent at the base they just raided. Everyone gathers, out of breath. "Nothing about Y/N?" Steve asks.

"There's nothing about her on their data base and no hard copy files here either." Natasha says coming up to Steve's side.

"There has to be something, anything." Tony says coming out of his iron suit. "I can't believe I let this happen." Tony sighs.

"Stark, this isn't your fault. We were all clueless to what they were planning." Thor says patting him on the back.

"We must be getting close to finding her, this is the third hydra base we have taken down." Steve says "they couldn't have gone that far." 

The avengers not knowing what city let alone country Y/N could be in. They have taken down the three closet ones they could find.

"Lets head back and rest. Us being tired and worn out won't help Y/N." Clint says limping towards their aircraft.


Y/N is strapped into a chair similar to last time, she is alone in the room. In front of her is a tray full of tools; blades, pliers and more.

She wakes up and tries to move but can't because of her bindings. On one wall there is a mirror which is odd enough to know it's a one way window.

The door beside the 'mirror' opens and the Hydra doctor from before walks in. He is wearing a black doctors coat and has gloves on already. A dark pair of black spectacles cover his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asks walking closer to    Y/N.

"Shitty, no thanks to you." Y/N says. Keeping eye contact with him.

"Well..." the doctor starts "just tell me everything you know about the Avengers and we might just let you go."

"You're not gonna let me go. And I'm not going to tell you anything." Y/N protests.

The doctor grabs a small knife from the tray and walks closer to Y/N. "Are you sure." He asks.

"Positive." Spits Y/N.

"Fine. I'll get it out my way." He says before stabbing the knife through her hand making her curse loudly in pain. The doctor laughs before pulling the knife out.

The doctor grabs a fist full of Y/N's hair pulling her head back before slowly dragging the knife down her jaw bone, making a deep cut along her face.

"Do you want to talk now?" The doctor asks.

"Never." Y/N hisses through the pain and tears.

"You made a real big mistake." The doctor says with a evil smirk. His smirk isn't like Loki's; mischievous and playful, it is pure evil; from the depths of hell it's self.

He grabs a blow torch and small, metal print shaped as the Hydra symbol and starts heating it up. "You know, I do really enjoy this part of the job." He says with a dark laugh.

Once the metal is bright red he places is directly on Y/N's shoulder burning the skin and flesh. Y/N screams as the smell of her burning flesh fills the room.

As he removes the metal from her shoulder, it peals off the burnt skin showing a nasty burn on her shoulder; all red and blacken.

The Hydra doctor cuts, hits and burns Y/N's body, yet never spills the secrets. Y/N would never put Tony's or the others life's in danger over hers even if some of them are Gods.

Some agents throw Y/N back into her cell with a small bottle of water, with nothing to eat. She sits beside her cot leaning against the wall, head in hands.

She starts to sob loudly, scared for what tomorrow might bring. Someone bangs on the door loudly to shut her up and she quiets her cries, hoping she is found sooner then later.

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