Chapter 11

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Another week passes and Y/N has tried her best to get to know the gang more, agian. Sitting around and helping Bruce in his lab, simple training with Steve and Natasha and almost anything with Tony. Y/N and Tony have bonded the most, she doesn't know why but she understands him the most and wants to spend the most the time with him, and only him.

There is a knock on the door and Tony peaks his head in finding Y/N laying in bed staring at the ceiling. "Are you up? I brought breakfast." he says.

She sits up and looks at Tony smiling. "Thanks, Tony."

"You weren't coming down so i decided to bring it up to you, before it got cold." Tony says placing the tray of food on the bed in front of Y/N, "It's Bruce's famous pancakes, you used to love them."

"Thanks." before Tony walks out Y/N speaks up again. "Wanna stay, I wont be able to finish this all." Tony nods with a soft smile and sits down beside Y/N.

He grabs a peice of bacon off the tray and starts to eat it. "Do you remember any of your favourite movies or books or anything like that" he asks chewing his toast.

"Not really, I remember some movies; Back to the Future, Goonies, Star Wars. I just don't remember what my favourites are." Y/N answers a sad smile appears on Tony says. "Why are you smiling?"

"Those are movies we watched together, we would watch the good movies from the eighties together, before you know.." Tony says, trailing off.

"We should watch them again, sometime soon." Y/N says, Tony nodding in agreement.


Y/N changes into sweat pants and a t-shirt and goes to the training room meant for magic. Loki is waiting for her, Tony and the others agree that she needs to learn how to control her powers and learn the best way to do so is to use them.

"Took you long enough." jokes Loki as she walks into the training room. "Lets get started. Show me what you can do." he says putting his hands on his hips.

Y/N lifts up a mat on the floor above Loki's head "eh." he says not impressed. Y/N throws the mat aside annoyed by his comment and starts lifting Loki. Its shaky but he rises 3 feet off the ground, arms and legs flailing in the air.

"Okay, put me down." Loki says, she slowly lowers him but ends up dropping him the last foot. He lands on his feet with a grunt. "I see the problem, you need more stamina to use your powers for longer periods of time."

"And how do I do that?" Y/N asks out of breath.

"I'm getting to that. To be honest I had the same problem when Frigga; my mother, started teaching me. But you gotta just keep practicing until you get used to it. Like running, you gotta build up your stamina." Loki explains he grabs a metal stick from a rack "Now, lets get started." he says throwing the stick at Y/N.

She stops it from hitting her centimeters away from her face. "Hey! Watch it." she says, Loki throws more sticks at her increasing the amount once in a while. Y/N gets hit by some but learns how to stop them or dodge them. They train for two hours straight before Y/N gives up and just lay on the floor in front of Loki, he joins her and they just lay there.

"I'm impressed, you did much better then I expected." Loki says with a sigh.

"Thanks, I think." She says with a smile.

Natasha walks into the training room fully dressed in her mission outfit "Come on you two, get off your asses its time to run." she says loudly.

Y/N groans "Oh come on, really?" she asks.

"Yup." Nat says popping the "p".

"Fine." agrees Y/N jumping up to her feet. Loki slowly stands up and spins on his heels to face Natasha.

"Well I'm sure as hell not coming, I don't run." He looks back to Y/N "See you later, have fun." he says quickly he disapears with a small flash of green, teleporting back to his room.

Natasha grabs Y/N arms and drags her to the elevator to the outside where Steve jumps in spot waiting to start running. "I was thinking after the run we go out for ice cream, you need to get some favourites of yours figured out." offers Natasha.

"Good with me." They run for 40 minutes before coming across an ice cream joint. Steve ran a head of the two women sometimes even turning around and running around them since he was much faster than both of them with his super soldier abilities. Natasha also had to slow her pace to stay with Y/N from the lack of exercise she has due to her lower stamina front the lack of training when she was with Hydra all those months.

"What kind do you want, Y/N?" Steve asks as they wait in line.

"I don't know. What do you guys recommend?"

"I personally like that simple, original kinds like strawberry and chocolate." Steve explains "Maybe because I grew up with simple kinds, I had no 'tiger strip' or 'super hero' flavoured sweets."

"That's because you're old and grew up in the twentieth century. I like to be a little more expiremental, pumpkin, mango anything you wouldn't think would be a good tasting ice cream flavour, I like." Natasha says.

"I think I will try the mango, I haven't had something exotic tasting for months." Y/N decides.

"Good choice."

The three get their ice cream and walk to the nearest park to eat it in. They sit together under a big willow tree enjoying their sweet treats.

"You and Tony are getting close again." Natasha says breaking the silence.

"Ya, I enjoy his company. He is really kind and I love his sarcasm." Y/N explains. "I hope we become better friends."

"Has he told you about you guys relationship before Hydra?" Steve asks.

"He said we were really close, and that we watching good 80's movies together. Just a couple of things here and there that's it. Why?"

"Because-" Steve trys to say before getting an elbow in the gut from Natasha.

"Because, we were just wondering." Natasha corrects Steve, emphasizing her words, ending that conversation there. The three finish their ice cream before heading back to the tower.

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