Chapter 9

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Y/N is laying on a on a metal table strapped to the sides with handcuffs for hers and everyone's safety. Tony and the group brought her home after the fight.

Bruce gave her an IV drip to fix her extreme dehydration and to give her the nutrients she wasn't given the time she was with Hydra.

Tony was sitting with Y/N holding her hand hoping for her to wake up soon, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He was relieved to find Y/N but the condition he found her in, he can't help but feel it's his fault.

They had to change Y/N's clothes so they got Natasha to do it. When she finish she came out in tears from seeing how beating up Y/N's body is. Scars from burns and cuts coating her body. The brand of Hydra on her shoulder, has mostly healed but the flesh around it is still pink.

Y/N starts to stir trying to move her arms. "Hey. It's okay you are safe." Tony comforts. The pain killers make Y/N groggy and she doesn't have as much energy as before.

"Where am I? Who are you? What do you want?"    Y/N rambles.

"We are at the Avengers compound, your home." Tony explains "I am Tony Stark...your friend."

"You took me from my home." Y/N spits.

"Listen Y/N, you were kidnapped by Hydra months ago, and the Avengers saved you. You tried to fight us but collapsed and we took you here to help." Tony explains and Y/N listens. "We don't know why you can't remember but your friend Bruce is guessing Hydra wiped your memory."

Bruce walks in "Hey, good to see you're up." He says walking over to Tony's side. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better."

"I gave you an IV with nutrients so you can regain your strength." Bruce explains.

"Can I get these hand cuffs off please? They're starting to hurt." Y/N asks, still a little hesitant to trust the men around her.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to put them on but Fury insisted." Tony says quickly getting the key and removing them. Y/N rubs the red marks on her wrists.

"Let me bandage those for you." Bruce says grabbing some gauze and rubbing alcohol. Bruce cleans up Y/N's wrists.

"Also, we have given you a special type of serum that has withheld your powers for now. It's just a safety protocol.l and with that Bruce leaves Tony and her alone.

It was awkward for a bit until Y/N spoke up. She is curious on her past friendship with this Tony "Before I was taken... what were we?"

This caught Tony off guard, "We were close friends." Tony fibs, unable to speak the truth, afraid she might change her mind after remembering."

"How did you get the powers?" He asks quickly changing the topic.

"I have only faint memories of it but it was with some sort of spear like thing. With a glowing stone." Y/N says. "It hurt so much and when I woke up I could do things." She lifts up her hands and demonstrates by making her hands gently glow.

"Why do you care so much about me?" Y/N asks. "Your eyes are all red."

"You are... were a really close friend." Y/N found Tony familiar like an old friend, far from the past.

"I've seen some of what Hydra did to you. Are you okay?" Tony asks pointing to some of the marks on her arms.

"I'm fine, I got used to it after some time." She said with little emotion catching Tony off guard. His heart constricts with pain at the thought of her getting used to the torture that put her through. If only he found her sooner.

Tony and Y/N talk for a while longer about everyone in the tower and their names and a bit on their background. Steve and Natasha came a checked on her after a bit, as well as to reintroduce themselves.

Both Steve and Natasha try to get Tony to leave once Y/N fell asleep but he wouldn't budge. He wouldn't let anything happen to her again. Soon after he fell into a light sleep in the chair beside the girl he loved.

Sorry the chapter is short again but I needed a connecting chapter.

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